Wednesday, March 3, 2010


My new life in america.

We have been here 5 weeks so far and for me everyday seems the same as i have to wait three months for my work visa to come, im so not use to having a day's off and now i have everyday off and to be honest im bored, bored out of my mind..

My husband is why we relocated here as he got offered a job here in the oil field, he is enjoying so far, but the down side we still havent got paid.. Tip for everyone who plans to relocate here, when you come to find a house also take a trip to the social security office and applie for your's as my husband is still waiting for his and every 2 weeks we ring they say still being processed and it could take another 30days and that has happened 3 times...

You need a social security number for everything here, and because we dont have one, we have had to give the electric company $250 just to get a eletric in are new appartment and that goes for everything. (tv, water, phone, internet, getting a mobile and so on.

So we are hoping to get paid soon but to be honest it doesnt look likely to be soon.
