Monday, November 22, 2010

Our first christmas tree

Our first christmas in Texas

This is our first christmas in Texas so i plan to make it even more special for me and Paul.

This is also the first christmas i will have off from working since me and paul meet 4 years ago which is great.

This is also the first time we have had a tree over 2ft lol so theirs alot of first's this year so this christmas has to be amazing and better then any christmas before..

Me and paul spent a sunday afternoon putting our christmas tree together we had so much fun decorating it i think it turnt out awesome seeing we have never put a tree together before..

I have already got most of everyone's gifts i have like 5 more gifts in total to get and thats it, ive also wrapped all the presents that i already have so im not to far behind..

So all in all im so looking forward to our first year in Texas..

American's Angel signing of for now.. Night:)

The house we have decided we love

The house we have choose to buy next year.
We spent months researching and viewing houses, it was very stressful but very fun, We also decided to build a house ourselves so it will be brand new when we move in which is great.
It will take at least 4 months to build if not a lil more so we have decided to start building around may and move in round december so we can spend christmas in a new house and i plan to have everything unpacked by christmas day so it will be a awesome christmas next year..So excited about everything thats happening next years, it will be a great 2nd year in texas...
Americas angel:)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What a busy last few weeks

Well these last few weeks have been hectic to say the least..

We went and got a Tree ready for chrismas and me being me decided the next day i wanted it up already, so me and paul spent half a day putting chrismas decs up it looked great and very festive.

Most of my week days for the past 2 weeks have been a blur of organising and cleaning, rea organising rooms and its entire content, ive never been this busy since trying to organise my wedding and the reception in 6 weeks including finding a dress yes i know what your thinking i must hve been crazy but i done it, thats how busy its been and im still so busy and it doesnt seem to be slowing down for me but i suppose they do say keeping busy is good for the mind lol.

Ive also been looking after my friends cats and house for a week and one day while i was waiting in for the inspector i would make it nice and sparkly for her when she gets home so she can just relax without worrying about it right away..

Friday afternoon i went with lindsey to ridgemar mall to see the opening of santa claus it was packed with kids but we got some good photo's of gwenny and we also went and got some new earring for gwen and at the end i got a pretzil which was very yummy

One day i also decided to help the hubby out as he needed to relax after work, so i went to albertson which in total is a 2 hour walk and thats not including walking up and down the isles as i dont have a car well i was nackered when i got back which is not surprising after that walk hehe..

On the weekends we have been just as busy as both weekends we have been non stop go..We spent the whole day last saturday walking round the mall looking in lots of shops, paul also brought me a adorable build a bear which i called snuggles, then after the mall we went to Cici's pizza which is all you can eat and it was very yummy...

This weekend it was go,go,go, yesterday we went sofa shopping everywhere and after hours looking at sofa's we decided to head home to have some food as we were starving..

Today we went to veiw lots of house's ready for june so they can start building our dream home, they were all so wonderful and we veiwed so many but we still want to go to more places to see more and the we went back to Ashley's which was a furniture stall had a lil look round and picked our settee and 2 seater out they are a awesome set and i also got a unusual vase for my frontroom.

So thats my 2 weeks of Go,go,go lol, hopefully this week will be a little bit more settled and calm

Keep your fingers crossed for me hehe

Night all this is america's angel signing offx