Monday, November 22, 2010

Our first christmas tree

Our first christmas in Texas

This is our first christmas in Texas so i plan to make it even more special for me and Paul.

This is also the first christmas i will have off from working since me and paul meet 4 years ago which is great.

This is also the first time we have had a tree over 2ft lol so theirs alot of first's this year so this christmas has to be amazing and better then any christmas before..

Me and paul spent a sunday afternoon putting our christmas tree together we had so much fun decorating it i think it turnt out awesome seeing we have never put a tree together before..

I have already got most of everyone's gifts i have like 5 more gifts in total to get and thats it, ive also wrapped all the presents that i already have so im not to far behind..

So all in all im so looking forward to our first year in Texas..

American's Angel signing of for now.. Night:)

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