Saturday, October 22, 2011

Samantha's new Dog Bed..

                                Samantha's new dog bed...

Samantha getting comfy on her new bed..

Samantha loving her new bed..

We brought Samantha a pillow bed and she love's it, she takes her treats and toys on their to play with and eat which is so cute, she even loves going on their when she has just been bathed.

However she wont sleep on their at night because she gets very hot so she prefers to sleep on the kitchen tiles because their nice and cold but when the winter come's in i defiantly think she will prefer to sleep on the warm pillow bed..

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Samantha's fave Blankie..

                                   Samantha's fave Blankie..

This is a towel but she loves it that much its her fave blankie..

Ohh so soft hehe she sleep on it all the time..

So cute on her blankie..

Fast alseep on her blankie....

When we brought Samantha home we gave her a nice Baby Blankie, but she dadnt seem to like it, she preferred this big yellow bath towel that i bathed her in the day after we brought her home..

So i decided she could have this as her blankie and she has loved it ever since..

She espiecally love's it when i dry her after her baths with it and then lay it down in the kitchen for her to lay and sleep on which i have always thought was weird but she seems to love it hehe..

Such a cutie..

Monday, October 3, 2011

Samantha cuddling her favorite toy..

                            Samantha Cuddling her Fave Toy..

Samantha asleep with her rope toy..

Samantha Cuddling her rope toy..

How she loves her rope toy..

I thought these pic were so cute i just had to blog them,

She loves her rope toy that much she fell asleep cuddling it which i thought was so damn cute and she done it alot when she was tiny..

She is just such a cutie..

Samantha's 1st Hairbow..

                                     Samantha's 1st Hairbow..

Samantha in her American Hairbow..

Samantha looking cute with her Hair bow..

Samantha's 1st Hairbow, it was a American hairbow that was handmade by a friend, she didnt mind having it on her at all and she looked so adorable in it..

She Looked ready to go in her new Hairbow..

Samantha's 1st vets visit..

                                       Samantha's 1st Vets Visit..

The Vets Office..

Paul reading the leaflets at the Vet's..

Samantha and Me waitng to see the Vet..

Samantha got sleepy waiting for the vet..

The vet had just been in and seen Samantha..

This was are 1st vets visit which was on the 6th August, she had to have a poo test, and her very 1st jab, we walked round the store for about 40 mins because we wanted to wait for the results of the poo test and then we were called back in, it turns out she had hook worm which had been their since just after she was born. I wasnt impressed as appartly she had been deworded and checked by a vet which obviously wasnt true..

So we got sent home with tablets to get rid of the hook worm, Flea treatment and a Heart worm Tablet..

Samantha done very well for her 1st vet visit..

Samantha's 1st Bath..

                                           Samantha's 1st Bath..

Samantha's 1st bath, she wasn't impressed hehe..

Samantha getting all dry..

Samantha all Dry and Fluffy..

Samantha had her 1st bath the day after we got her which was the 1st of August, We had to bath her because she was full of mud as the Breeder left her and her litter in the back garden most of their life, so i gave her a nice warm bath and she looked so much better afterwards..

She didn't like the bath very much though but dogs dont lol but she will have to get use to them over time as she will be getting bigger and i hate the smell of wet dog..

Samantha's 1st bath, many more to come..