Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Samantha's fave Blankie..

                                   Samantha's fave Blankie..

This is a towel but she loves it that much its her fave blankie..

Ohh so soft hehe she sleep on it all the time..

So cute on her blankie..

Fast alseep on her blankie....

When we brought Samantha home we gave her a nice Baby Blankie, but she dadnt seem to like it, she preferred this big yellow bath towel that i bathed her in the day after we brought her home..

So i decided she could have this as her blankie and she has loved it ever since..

She espiecally love's it when i dry her after her baths with it and then lay it down in the kitchen for her to lay and sleep on which i have always thought was weird but she seems to love it hehe..

Such a cutie..

1 comment:

  1. Made herself right at home. Glad you got yourself such a great new addition to your Family
