Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My New Brother Xander..

My New Brother Xander..
Such a poser hehe..

My new lil Brother..

Yes are you reeling from shock yet, Xander joined our family a few months before Lexi, he needed a home and my parents gave him a new loving home..

Xander is my Mum's Brothers son, AKA My Uncle's Son, so he was my Cousin but now he's my lil brother.
Again long story short my Uncle couldn't take care of him so my parents stepped in to give him a home and the love he needed.

Zander Is almost 12 and so funny, happy, out going and such a good lil brother..

I send him lot's of gifts and talk to him all the time, he always ask my parents for me and always has a smile for me..

He is a awesome lil brother and we all love him to bit's

Lexi With Her New Daddy

Lexi With Her New Daddy...
Lexi and Daddy sleeping together aww

Daddy giving Lexi Cuddles/ Lexi with her cool shades..

Daddy and Lexi, my Dad send's me pics of Him and Lexi and I love seeing them all..
My dad is the best dad in the world and I'm not just saying that he was a hands on dad when we were growing up and he is just as hands on now..

He feeds, bathes, changes and play's with lexi, he also get's up during the night and in the early morning to see to Lexi..He's the best and you can see it in his face how much he love's Lexi and all his children..

He loves children :-)

Love you Daddy..

My New Sister Lexi

My New Sister Lexi..
Lexi fast asleep on her pillow..

Lexi with the puppy..

Lexi cuddling the pillow.

Lexi with her favorite bunny fast asleep.

Lexi wearing her cool shade's

Lexi chilling in her pram.

Lexi smiling for the Camera :-)

I would like to introduce my new little sister Alexis AKA Lexi, she is almost 5 months old now and growing away.
My parent's basically adopted her, she is technically my Niece, my brothers daughter.

Long story short he couldn't take care of her so my parents stepped up and now she is my lil sister and she is the cutest thing ever.

People asked me after I told them I have a new little sister are you not worried you wont get to speak to your parents enough or will I feel less loved, my reply not really I had 4 sibling's and a foster brother growing up and there was always enough time and love for all of us..
The way I see it my parents just have the biggest hearts in the world so they have enough heart to give a child a much needed home.

Just look at that face in the pictures, she is the happiest baby in the world and it's because of my parents she has a smile, its because of my parents love for her she feels safe :-)

My parents are truly one in a million and I love my lil sister :-)

Finally getting back to my Blog.

I'm Finally getting back to my blog..
It's been a while since I wrote on my blog but I've had so much going on, it's hard to make the blog a priority over everything else going on in my life right now, even though my blog is a way of keeping my friend's and family up to date with my life in America which is important to me too.
How do you prioritize things and how do you know what priorities are more important, I'm 24 years old and I'm still trying to figure it out... Maybe it's more guess work then anything.
Anyway for now my life is in that place where it's now or never so over the next few day's I'm going to update you on everything that's been going on in my life over the last few month's.
Be warned that there has been a lot of blog moments over the last few month's I think I'm going to overload my blog hehe..
Keep a eye out for all my new post's
Americas Angel :-)