Saturday, May 28, 2011

Update on how my week alone went..

So in my previous post i said how i wanted to fill my week up as my Husband was going out of town and i would be alone, so i wanted to make my week as jam packed as posible so i wouldnt mope around all the time from missing him so much, So i made a list to give me insentive to get things moving..

Well i am pleased to say i did everything on my list but one thing changed instead of going to lunch i spoke to my Parent's on skype as everyone but me and Slinky were unable to make it as they were to busy, but i still completed my list and even did more which i think is great and i didnt spend one day moping around the house, i still missed my Husband very much though but i think i alway's will when he goes away, i think if i didn't miss him we would have a serious problem..

So all in all i think i made the best out of a week alone..

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A week on my own..

So from 8 this morning my Husband went away to Canadia for a week leaving me on my own and Wondering what to do with myself...So im writing a list giving me insentive to get moving and enjoy my week instead of missing my husband so much, don't get me wrong im still going to miss him but this time i refuse to be bored and mope around all week...

  • Monday-Get up and get ready and go to my weekly Weightwatchers meeting which normally last about 45 minute's, then im going to meet a friend and we are going to go out for Lunch and have a nice chat... In the afternoon im going to do my Zumba workout and weight's, then im going to have a nice relaxing bath and then to end my day im going to chill and relax..
  • Tuesday- Get up and get ready and head to the Mall to spend the day browsing and looking for a new outfit, then ill head home and do my zumba work out and weight, then hit the shower and again relax and speak to Paul..
  • Wednesday-I have to wait in for the bug killer person because i found and killed about 40 tiny spider's on thursday night and he probably won't get here till late in the afternoon so after he's done, i will do my situps and weight's and hit the shower, then im going to relax and talk to Paul for the rest of the evening...
  • Thursday-Get up and get ready to go out for the day, 1st i have to go and pick up slinky and then me and slinky have to wait for Roze at my house and once Roze has arrived we are going to head out to meet a few other Girlfriends for lunch at the Tokyo Steakhouse which is a thai resturante and have dinner and a good yap, then i will come home and do my Zumba workout and hit the shower, then for the rest of the evening i will be relaxing..
  • Friday- I won't be getting up to much just cleaning and preparing the house ready for when Paul arrive's home on Friday evening Yay:)
So as you can see i have a over active week which for me is a good thing and keep's me busy..
Im excited to see how this week plans out..

I will also update my blog at the end of the week so you will see if i have done everything on my list and more, i hope i do hehe...


Friday, May 13, 2011

I Officially have a Texas Licease:)

I have a Texas Driving License Yay Me:)

                    My Awesome Card i got from my Parent's after passing My Test.
I think what my dad wrote in my card was so sweet..

Loved this card...

So i passed my test after over a year of having to walk everywhere and i must say it's great..

I had to take a advanced test plus the Theory because i'm under 25, its was so hard and very tiring as it took 6hrs to complete, but i did it and only got 1 question wrong which was great and then it was the driving test its self, i practiced so hard and my hard work payed off and i passed 1st time and only got 3 wrong so it was 3 out of 30 which i think was awesome..

My dad was very proud and so was my Mum and dad inlaw which was a great feeling and i still can't believe i have a license but its a awesome feeling and alot more independance..

Thankyou Mum and dad for the awesome card it is going into my keep sake box...

My gorgeous New Handbag

My Gorgeous New Handbag My Hubby Brought me....
The front of my gorgeous new handbag..

The front of my gorgeous new handbag..

The back of my gorgeous new handbag..

The front of my gorgeous new handbag..

This is my gorgeous new handbag my husband brought me it was love at first sight lol..
I thought i would blog about it as this is the most expensive bag i have ever owned and it looks awesome i think..

I brought this for 1 i loved it and 2 i neede more room in my handbag and this fit's everything in and it has loads of compartments for organisation which for me was a plus..

I will defiantly take very good care of this handbag thats for sure...

I've also decided i love this bag so much in the next month i'm going to invest in another one just in a different colour and seeing my favourite colour is purple, thats the colour im going for hehe:)

Thankyou Baby i love itx