Saturday, May 28, 2011

Update on how my week alone went..

So in my previous post i said how i wanted to fill my week up as my Husband was going out of town and i would be alone, so i wanted to make my week as jam packed as posible so i wouldnt mope around all the time from missing him so much, So i made a list to give me insentive to get things moving..

Well i am pleased to say i did everything on my list but one thing changed instead of going to lunch i spoke to my Parent's on skype as everyone but me and Slinky were unable to make it as they were to busy, but i still completed my list and even did more which i think is great and i didnt spend one day moping around the house, i still missed my Husband very much though but i think i alway's will when he goes away, i think if i didn't miss him we would have a serious problem..

So all in all i think i made the best out of a week alone..

1 comment:

  1. Great job. It is hard to be alone, you all have not been married long enough to be tired of each other.
    Your mate Gail
