Sunday, November 27, 2011

My girl Gail made me a blanket and Booties

              My girl Gail made me a baby blanket and Booties..

My knitted baby blanket

My knitted baby blanket again

Baby High top bootie's

So cute knitted baby bootie's

Gail makes the most awesome hand knitted item's ever..
I asked Gail if she would make me a baby blanket and she said she would and she defiantly delivered, its gorgeous..

Gail's hand knitted items are very popular and as fast as gail makes them she is selling them, their getting sold like hot cake's and its no wonder because their one of a kind and Handmade, They are made to order so any colour she can do for you..

Adult High Top Bootie's $16.00 a pair..
Baby High Top Bootie's $10.00 a pair..

Hand made baby blankets $20 each...

They are a bargain and worth every penny, very high quality and one of a kind you won't get them anywhere else that for sure..

Click on the link above to see Gails official website, their are lots of unique and gorgeous items on their, GO check it out:)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your support, The link you posted is an old link and does not work. here is new link
