Monday, November 21, 2011

Samantha fast asleep with her toy's

                                    Samantha's fast asleep with her toy's..

Samantha fast asleep with her favorite Dragon..

Samantha asleep with her doggy..

Samantha half asleep with her doggy..

Samantha asleep with her rope toy..

Samantha asleep with her rope toy..

Samantha sleeps alot with her toys right next to her, she is very protextive of her toy's and will run at full speed if you try to put her toy's in her toy box hehe..

We put all her squeaky toy's and rope toys away in her toybox at night and only leave her teddie's and chew bone's out for her mainly for her teething and to cuddle with her teddie's and as you can tell she love's her teddie's hehe..

She normally doesnt bother with her toys during the night as she knows when bed time is and sleep's all night which is great..

1 comment:

  1. Your Baby is so cute, And sleeps through the night. This is Great
