Friday, April 13, 2012

Sorting some Pics..

So i still have so much to update you guys but tonight i have decided to sort through all my picture's to have a scrapbooking day tomorrow as i spent the best part of the afternoon today organizing my scrapbooking room so its all clean and my table is now ready to work in...

Im so excited to get some scrapbooking done as i havent done very much since we moved in which was last july terrible i know..

I will take some pics of the pages i complete so you can all see them:)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Samanthas morning at the park..

                                Samanthas morning at the park..

Samantha with her football..

Samantha loves the park..

Mummy please kick the ball...

Mummy i tired..

Having a blast at the park....

One tired out baby...

Me and Samantha love to go to the park and she loves me kicking the ball so she can run and get it and bring it back for another kick, sometimes i havent even kicked the ball yet and she is half way across the field waiting for the ball to pass her, she is such a funny dog...

She could run around the park all day if i let her, she still run's after the ball even though she is ready to pass out hehe..

She is defiantly a special doggy:)

Pauls stocking/Sack full of christmas goodie's..

                       Pauls stocking/Sack full of christmas goodie's..

Pauls Christmas goodie's...

His little christmas sack...

So i thought i would be different this year and have a mini sack to put all Paul treats in for christmas instead of putting them in a stocking as my cats seem to think they are toys once they have the treats in hehe, I still hung our stocking's up just didnt fill them with anything..

Paul still enjoyed all his goodies for christmas day which is the main thing..

I love to spoil my gorgeous hubby..

Paul putting together his new Theater System..

        Paul putting together his new Theater System..

Paul putting his big speaker together..

His new theater system..

All Pauls new speakers still in the wrapping...

One of the speakers on the wall..

Another speaker on the wall..

And another speaker on the wall..

The big speaker set up next to the Tv unit..

I brought this theater system for Paul as his main Christmas present, as i like to have one big main present and loads of little gifts and what i mean by little gifts is games, dvd's and books..

This is a LG home theater System and it is awesome and works great through the tv, playstation and dvd player, it was defiantly worth the money...

Paul couldnt wait to put it all together and get the speakers on the wall, he was that excited he didnt wait 10 mins to get it out of the box hehe..

Im glad he liked it:)

Our new shares we got for christmas..

                         Our new shares we got for christmas..

The box our framed share's came in:)

Our framed shares..

My framed build a bear shares:)

Pauls framed microsoft share...

We got this as a christmas gift from mummy and daddy Jewell they even had them framed for us so we could put them on the wall..

My share is in Build a bear because if you know me i love teddy bears, you could say im teddy crazy hehe and have so many of them all over my house..

Paul's share is in Microsoft because he is a gadget and computer freak, he loves fixing and tinkering with them, he has a collection of gadget's and computer bits...

They are now up on our front room wall and they look great...

Thankyou Mummy and Daddy Jewell we love them...

Our new themal Mugs..

                                             Our new mugs..

Arnt they cute..

Their matching mugs...

I found these at Walmart, they are China with rubber lid's, they are very cute and keep Your drinks hot for about a hour after being made which is great as it normally takes me a hour to drink it because i always forget i made it...

One of the cups that i brought has a inscription on that saids home on which i gave to my hubby, and the other said live, laugh and love on which i kept for myself i love things with inscriptions on it was one of the main reason's i brought them..

A little treat for Samantha:)

                                  A little treat for Samantha:)

Samanthas mini cottage pie..

Yummy Samanthas lil treat

So i was making home made cottage pie and decided i would make a mini cottage pie for Samantha just without the mash, so i mixed some mince, veg and sauce in a small bowl and put it in the oven for 15-20 minutes to cook, then i took it out and let it cool down..

I then put it in with Samanthas dry food and mixed it in and it was finally ready to serve to Samantha..

Samantha enjoyed it so much she licked the entire bowl clean, it sparked haha..

I will defiantly make it again for her i love to see my sammy spoilt and happy:)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Willow and Tigger Christmas Prezzies:)

                       Willow and Tigger Christmas Prezzies:)

Tigger in his new Cube...

Tigger falling asleep in his cube..

Tigger and Willows Toy's...

Tigger and Willow toys again..

Tigger and Willow new Cubes for christmas..

Tigger on Christmas day..

Me passing a prezzie to tigger...

Tiggers new balls he got for christmas...

Tigger with one of his new christmas prezzies...

More of tigger and willow christmas prezzies....

Playing with  his new toys on christmas day..

Tigger on christmas day...

Tigger chilling on Christmas day..

Willow playing with new mouse...

Willow new mouse she got for Xmas...

Tigger and Willow toys they got for Xmas...

Tigger and Willows toys they got for Xmas...

Tigger and Willow new collars they got for Xmas...

Tigger new collar he got for Xmas...

 Willows new collar she got for Xmas...

Willow and Tigger got spoilt to with lots of toy's new collars and treats, they had a great day, i wasnt able to get many pictures of willow as she is not a fan of the flash on my camera hehe..

We love all our fur babies and we love to spoil them all..

More Christmas prezzies for Samantha..

            More Christmas prezzies for Samantha..

Samanthas Kong frisbie from Nanny and Grandad Jewell..

More prezzies from us to Samantha...

Mummy and Daddy Jewell got more Goodies for Samantha..

More Christmas prezzies for Samantha, Ball on a rope, tug a war rope with a ball on the end, more tennis balls, Frisbie's, and loads of treats..

Samantha even got a Kong Frisbie of  Mummy and Daddy Jewell which is our Parents she loves..Thankyou Mummy and Daddy Jewell she loves it..

She now has a over flowing toy box hehe..

Samantha's Christmas Present's:)

                                 Samantha's Christmas Present's:)

Samantha on Christmas morning..

Samantha Christmas bag for of prezzie's..

Her already full toybox..

Samanthas new frisby for Xmas..

Samanthas new Skunk...

Samantha new teddie for Xmas..

Samanthas new Monkey for Xmas..

Samanthas new christmas teddy..

Samantha taking her Christmas teddy..

Samanthas new teddy for Xmas...

Samantha waiting for another toy...

Samantha shaking daddys hand for her new tennis ball hehe..

Samantha stole her new tennis ball hehe..

Samanthas new squeaky pig head...

Samanthas new crocodile..

Samanthas new rabbit on a rope..

Samanthas new durable shark..

Getting ready to play frisbie with daddy..

Samantha and daddy having cuddles on Xmas day..

Samanthas peanut naw candy cane..

Her new Xmas collar she got for Xmas

Samanthas sqeaky christmas Hedgehog...

Well what can i say we have one spoilt doggie, It was Samantha's 1st Chirstmas with us it was also her first christmas ever so i kinda went crazy with prezzies for her, but it was worth going crazy because she was so excited to get every toy as you can see in these pictures..

She got teddies, squeaky toys, naw bones, bandanas, a new collar, balls and frisbies..

She had a great christmas and was sleeping for hours after all that excitement hehe..