Saturday, April 7, 2012

So much to update you guys on..

So much to update you guys on..

Well i must say i have been so behind on my blog its been a few months since i last updated which is kinda sad, life just gets in the way and you get so busy that your in a endless run well thats how it has been for me over the last few months..

Firstly my health decided to scare me i was having constant headache's and chest pain's for a few months and they were getting worse by the day so eventually i decided to head to the doctors and see what was going on, well she gave me headache tablets and took 3 vile's of blood and said they i had to wait for the result's, so a few days later the doctor phoned and said my cholestral was very high and i would need tablets to lower the level and she also wanted me to phone her again in a week to let her know if the tablet's were working so i did and they werent which made her very concerned. so she referred me to a neurologist and a chest specialist so to cut a long story short i was sent from the neurologist for a MRI and the Chest specialist sent me for a X-ray of the chest, i had to wait god know's how long for the results all i know is it felt like a eternity but finally i got the result and my MRI and Chest X-raywere both clear which was awesome, it turnt ou the chest pains and headaches started getting better after a few week of being on the cholestral tablet's, so i was so happy that nothing serious was going on but i also knew that if i didnt get my cholestrlal under contol i would end up with some major problems in the future, so im working on exercising more and eating healthier im getting their slowly but surely..

Yes the story continues hehe,.

Not long after sam was having trouble with her hips she had trouble standing after waking, her left side went more to the left and she was also very clumsy, so i took her to the vet and she had to be knocked out so they could take a X-ray so they sent me home while they did it and a few hours after they phoned me and my husband to come back in for the result's, well it wasnt good she has Hip displasia on both hips worse on the left and on the left hip she also only has half a joint, i was so upset she was only 7 months old when we found out, she will have to have a operation in the future and she is now on 2 different anti inflammatory whitch she will have to be on for the rest of her life, apparemtly she and all the puppies in her litter have it, she was born with it...So unfortunatly some days she will have pain and be uncomfotable but as long as we exercise her legs in the right way it should help her and keep her legs from getting worse..

So as you can tell by everything its been a rough couple of month's  for our family..

So in the next few day's i have so much to update you guy's on, thankyou for being patient and still following me:)

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