Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I cant believe my little sister turnt 13

                           I cant believe my little sister turnt 13..

Kelsey age 5 in 2004

Kelsey age 5 2004

Kelsey age 6 2005

Kelsey age 6 2005

Kelsey age 7 2006

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 11 2010

kelsey age 12 2011

Kelsey on her birthday age 13 2012

I can't believe my little sister is now a teenager and she is also not so little any more, she is growing up so fast i hate not being their to watch her grow up but im Happy and grafeful for the time i got to see her grow..I love to get picture update's from my mum but it seem's every picture update i get she has grown even more..

When she was a baby i would take her park, put her to bed, do her hair, play with her and once she started school i loved to drop and pick her up from school everyday i also loved to attend school events such as sport's day and book fare's with her..

I use to spoil her rotten taking sweets and fruit juice to school at the end of the day..

It just feels like yesterday when i was pushing Kelsey around in a pram time just fly's by so fast it's scary..

Happy 13th birthday Kelsey, I hope you had a great day and you got spoilt rotten..

Miss and love you loads love Kayleigh and Paul..XxxX:)

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