Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ouch i had my Wisdom teeth out:(

                                   Ouch i had my Wisdom teeth out:(

My diet for 8 day's

Yummy Yummy Ice cream...

So i went to the dentist because i had a lot of pain on the right side of my mouth i guessed i would just need a filling but it turnt out i needed 3 of my Wisdom teeth out scary came to mind..Before i could have them out i was put on strong pain killer's and antibiotic's due to having a infection caused by one of my wisdom teeth which took a week to clear up then the day i was dreading came and it was horrible i wasnt put to sleep i was just given injections which you normally get for filling's, it took about 40 minute's to get them out and i had to have stitches as well which caused even more pain so i was on pain killer's for 8 day's afterward's..
The 2 best thing's about getting them out was i was no longer in pain and for 8 day's i got to eat just soup and icecream hehe..

All i know is im very glad not to be in pain anymore..

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