Monday, December 24, 2012

I had to have a eye test..

                                         I had to have a eye test..

Me in my new glasses...

New glasses...

My new glasses don't look to bad...

I like the new me..

So I had to have my eyes tested and my eyes have got worse. Apparently my eye's dance that's how the optician said it but basically I have a stigma which mean's when the light hits my eye's they move and I can't see in the dark well either, I guess all the carrot's I ate as a child didn't help me see in the dark lol..

I had to get a new set of glasses too with special lenses' in that stop's the light hurting my eye's. I try not to drive at night in less a absolutely have too..

So with my new glasses my eye's don't hurt so much and now can watch television and play on my laptop without squinting constantly..


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