Monday, December 24, 2012

I havent been on in so long

I haven't been on in so long..
The last few month's have been so stressful and busy I haven't had a chance to update my blog at all, it feel's like all I have done for the past few month's is run around and not stop it also feel's like a haven't slept in month's and that's probably because most night I haven't slept..
Paul got ill and was hospitalized, he has been off work for about 2-3 month's so I have had to help him get better, I have also been having test and biopsy's done.
Then theirs Christmas so much planning and running around I will be glad once Christmas is over, I love Christmas and opening gift's but this year just seems to be full of bad news and days so I'm looking forward to the new year and hopefully a better year..
I'm hoping now that our lives have calmed down I can start updating my blog more frequently..
I will be updating my blog over the next few day's and I hope everyone enjoys my updates. 

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