Friday, December 23, 2011

A lil something for our local protecters:)

                           A lil something for our local protecters:)

Christmas Goodie's..

A Xmas card, Christmas Cookie's and Snow flake ball's..

I had a thought the other day, Police and Fireman our on call 24hours a day to keep us safe and risk their own live's daily but they dont get presents or card's off local people for Christmas so i went to walmart and picked up 2 lot's of Snow Flake ball's and M+M Cookie's and made out a card with our picture on itto the Local fire Station and Police Station..

Once i had everything i needed i made a surprise visit to the local fire station and Police station to give them their lil present they were so grateful it was nice to show them we cared and were grateful for everything they do for us:)

I will be making it a yearly thing but i will be changing the goodie's i take each year..

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I won a Bottle of Champagne:)

                                    I won a bottle of Champagne...

Limited Edition Champagne Cannister.

A bottle of Celebrity Champagne..

My Champagne and Champgne Canister..

Celebrity Champagne..

I won a Limited edition Champagne and Champagne Cannister from Celebuzz, all i had to do is write a comment about why i should win this so i did and they choose me yay..

The Champagne is by Nicolas Feuillatte and is sold world wide..

I was emailed by Celebuzz comfiming i won and within a few day's it was FedEx to me yay..

I was just excited to win something..

Me and Paul have decided to save it for a special occasion as its a limited addition..

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Our Anniversary Cake:)

                                      Our Anniversary Cake:)

Red Velvet Cheesecake

Red Velvet Cheesecake.

Mine and Paul Piece of Red Velvet Cheese Cake..

Our Piece of Red Velvet Cheesecake..

Paul enjoying his cheese cake..

Me enjoying my piece of Cheesecake..

I went and brought Paul favorite dessert for another Anniversary treat, it was a Red Velvet Cheesecake, it looked and taste great..

We had a piece on our Anniversary and a piece after our anniversarywe enjoyed every bite, i brought it from walmart from the cake counter, we will defiantly be buying it again..

Our Anniversary Gifts

                                       Our Anniversary Gifts...

Pauls Revolving cube..

Pauls Massaging Slipper's..

All our Anniversry Cards..

Mine and Paul's Anniversary cards to each other..

Our Anniversary Cards..

My heart paperweight with a white cotten rose..

My 2 red Roses with Cotton inside the bud..

My 2 Red Rose's..

My gorgeous Fossil Watch..

Me with my new Teddy bear..

Me and my teddy bear..

These our the gift's we brought each other on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary..

I brought Paul a revolving photo Cube, A leather Wallet, 2 PC Game's and Massanging slipper's for our Anniversary..

Well before i tell you what Paul brought me A 2nd Wedding Anniversary is also called a Cotton Anniversary so it is traditional to buy something cotton as a gift like a robe or something with cotton on it so thats exactly what Paul brought me he was really creative and spent week's reaserching what to get me..

He got me a Personally Engraved Heart Paper weight with a Cotton Rose attahced to the side, 2 Red Rose's with Cotton inside the Roses, A brown Fossil Watch and Last but not least a White Teddy..

Mummy and Daddy Jewell Got us a beautiful Gift as well, It was 2 white His and Her Towels with our Names engraved on them, they are now making my bathroom look awesome:)Thankyou Mummy and Daddy Jewell...

So we were very spoilt  by each other and Mummy and Daddy Jewell:)

Our Anniversary Dinner

                                       Our Anniversary  Dinner..

Me looking at the Menu..

Paul looking at the Menu..

The wine list we choose off.

The Yummy Garlic Roll's

Our Drink order hehe..

Red wine and Beer Our drinks..

Paul had Chicken with a White wine sauce..

It tasted better then it look's..

I had Lasagna It was Delious..

Paul got a free glass of wine on the house, from the owner..

I got a free beer on the house, from the owner...

So on the 1st of December me and Paul celebrated on 2nd Wedding Anniversary, it was on a thursday but we didnt end up Celebrating till the day after as Samantha our puppy had a Jab and had to be watched for 24hrs but even though we didnt celebrate on the day of our Anniversary we still had a great time..

We went to a place called Italia Cafe which is about 15min away from where we live, it serves itailian food, i had Lasagna and Paul had Chicken and White wine and we both really enjoyed our Dinner and the price was great too, we also had a couple of drink's and the owner even gave us a free drink each on him for our Anniversary which was very nice of him..

It was a awesome night:)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Not blogging alot lately

                                            Not Blogging Alot Lately..

Well as you can tell by my lack of blogging lately i have been so busy getting ready for christmas, training Samantha and settling into our new house amoung other things, also i have been back and fourth to the vets with Samantha for many health reason's but hopefully in the next few weeks Samantha will get back to her old self..

I also had to reformate my labtop because i kept getting the black screen of death and i didnt know why so in the end i just reprogrammed my whole Labtop which made me have to transfer all my pic's and their was thousands of them over to a hard drive which took me hours in its self so i have to transfer them back as well before i can blog anymore pic's..

I will try blogging more and updating as much as i can within the next few day's to update everyone on what i have been busy doing...

Thankyou for still following me even though i havent been blogging alot lately..:)