Sunday, December 11, 2011

Not blogging alot lately

                                            Not Blogging Alot Lately..

Well as you can tell by my lack of blogging lately i have been so busy getting ready for christmas, training Samantha and settling into our new house amoung other things, also i have been back and fourth to the vets with Samantha for many health reason's but hopefully in the next few weeks Samantha will get back to her old self..

I also had to reformate my labtop because i kept getting the black screen of death and i didnt know why so in the end i just reprogrammed my whole Labtop which made me have to transfer all my pic's and their was thousands of them over to a hard drive which took me hours in its self so i have to transfer them back as well before i can blog anymore pic's..

I will try blogging more and updating as much as i can within the next few day's to update everyone on what i have been busy doing...

Thankyou for still following me even though i havent been blogging alot lately..:)

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to blog sometimes , but i enjoy reading when you do.
