Friday, December 23, 2011

A lil something for our local protecters:)

                           A lil something for our local protecters:)

Christmas Goodie's..

A Xmas card, Christmas Cookie's and Snow flake ball's..

I had a thought the other day, Police and Fireman our on call 24hours a day to keep us safe and risk their own live's daily but they dont get presents or card's off local people for Christmas so i went to walmart and picked up 2 lot's of Snow Flake ball's and M+M Cookie's and made out a card with our picture on itto the Local fire Station and Police Station..

Once i had everything i needed i made a surprise visit to the local fire station and Police station to give them their lil present they were so grateful it was nice to show them we cared and were grateful for everything they do for us:)

I will be making it a yearly thing but i will be changing the goodie's i take each year..

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