Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Exchanging gifts with friends..21st December

Exchanging gifts with friends..21st December...

Pauls gift from Roze and Jamie wrapped ready to open..

One of my Gift's from Roze and Jamie ready to open..

One of my Gift's from Roze and Jamie ready to open..

Roze posing while i open one of their gifts to me hehe..

Pauls present unwrapped, its Rum hehe..

Roze and Jamie holding up the gift's we brought them..

My awesome new shoe's Roze and Jamie brought me..

All my new makeup from Rozze and Jamie..

Roze showing off her new badanna from us..

Us playing game's..

Roze showing her hostess skill's..

The game we played, awesome game..

Their starwars mugs and coca from us..

This is a awesome board game:)

My awesome new shoe's from Roze and Jamie..

One of Jamie's new Tshirts from us..

Jamie's other new T-shirt from Us...

Me Posing with Jamie's Christmas hat on hehe..

Me Posing with Jamie's Christmas hat on hehe..

Paul and Roze posing..

Paul and Roze posing..

Roze, me and Jamie....

Roze, Jamie and Me..

Jamie, Roze and Me..

Jamie, Paul and Roze..

Jamie, Roze and Paul..

Roze, Jamie and Paul..

This year we had many gift's to exchange with friends so we got together with Roze and Jamie on the 21st of December..

We all exchanged gifts and i took a few pics to blog and Scrapbook and as you can tell by the pic's we all got spoilt..

Roze and Jamie got matching Dallas Star hats, Starwars Mugs with sachets of Coco, then Jamie got 2 Tshirts and Roze got a Bandana and a friend's 3 way frame with pictures of our nights out from Me and Paul..

I got a Awesome pair of pink and black flats with a pink chain strap on and lots of makeup which included Lipstick, Eye shadow and Nail Poilish from Roze and Jamie:)

Paul got some Rum from Roze and Jamie:)

After exchanging our gifts and taking pics, we decided to spend the rest of the night playing games and having a few drinks we had a awesome night and we loved our gifts and Roze and Jamie loved their gifts too:)

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