Monday, January 23, 2012

My birthday 18th December

                                                   My 23rd Birthday

The cute bag i got one of my pressies in..

My Scentsy i got off Cynthia and Jeff..

Some of the gifts from Paul and Mummy Jewell..

I loved this as a kid and Paul remembered and got me the complete box set..
My dvd box set from Paul..

My new bike from Paul..

All my Birthday cards off everyone:)

My new tops and jeans from mumzy..

My new jeans from Mumzy...

So on the 18th December i celebrated my 23rd birthday and i had a awesome day with my gorgeous hubby and as you can tell by the picture's i was spoilt rotten by everyone espiecally my hubby, he always spoils me..

I got everything i wanted and more...

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