Monday, January 23, 2012

My birthday night out..

                                        My birthday night out..

Jeff and Paul..

Jeff and Paul again...

Paul, Jeff and Me..

Cynthia, Jeff, Paul and Me..

Cynthia, Jeff, Paul and Me again..

So carrying on from my awesome birthday, Paul took me out for a few drinks so he took me to a bar called Rocky's Bar and Grill which is about 15 mins away from where we live..

We headed out about 7 and ordered a few beer's while waiting for Cynthia and Jeff to join us, they arrived around ten and we started celebrating, we were having that much fun we didnt end up getting home till gone 3, we had such a awesome night and even though my birthday isnt for another year, we will defiantly be having another night out with Cynthia and Jeff very soon:)

Thanx for a great night guys:)...

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