Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We Moved Again..

We Moved Again...Our New Home....
One of the bedroom's..

One of the cupboards..

One of the bathroom's..

The second living room in our new house

Our master bedroom..

The on suite bathroom

Our main living room..

Part of the kitchen..

The back garden..

The back door..

The Jacuzzi tub in the on suite..

The shower in the on suite..

The bathroom in the on suite..

These are the before picture..

We moved again and this time even further away 4 hours away to Houston, the packing took forever and the drive to Houston was horrible so our new journey and home didn't get off to a great start, we didn't arrive at our new house till early hour's of the morning we dropped the stuff off and headed to the hotel for the night  because our furniture wouldn't be arriving till the next day..

If you know me you know this wouldn't be the house I choose, Paul choose it while he was coming back and fourth to Houston for work..

It was a total mess when we moved in and it took forever to get it to the way I would be able to live in it.. These are the before Pictures, the house wasn't looking like this for very long once I got started...


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