Sunday, October 31, 2010

Another busy week

Well its been another busy week as usual....

At the start of the week i spent most of two days scrubing under things and making my house sparkle and i must say it looked awesome, i even washed all the skirting boards and scrubed under the hobs and plates..

Wednesday I went to see lindsey and spent a few hours their helping her pack as she wanted to get a head start, we also went for pizza my treat so we didnt have to cook for tea i had a good day..

Thursday me and lindsey went shopping at walmart, lindsey also got me a subway which was very yummy (thankyou Lindsey)..In the afternoon me and Lindsey went to Hobby Lobby and i got some great chrismas decs and then i spent a hour or so having a yap and ciggy over Lindseys, Lindsey also let me drive everywhere which was great and i done pretty well since i hadnt drove in a while (thankyou for letting me drive your car).I had a Blast and a very awesome day i was nackered after though but it was worth it..Thursday evening paul come home so it was a great end to my day..

Friday paul had the day off so we spent the day resting and catching up with mummy and daddy Jewell and then me and paul went out to walmart and got lots of stuff such as A christmas tree and lots of christmas decs, we also got treats for the tricko treaters and lots of naughty munch and a couple of scary movies for the weekend for me and paul..

The weekend we spent resting, playing games and eating lots of junk...Then saturday night Lindsey, Nick and Gwen came over in their costumes they all looked great and Gwen looked so adorable and cute in her outfit..

Sunday we spent watching movies and playing more games on our computer so all in all we had a awesome weekend unfortunatly the weekend went to fast and paul is due away tommorow so another week on my own the 4th week in a row but we will see how the week goes..

This is America's Angel signing off for tonight...

Night allx

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