Monday, October 18, 2010

Tiggers first bath

Well Tiggers first bath was interesting, well what can i say a cat and a bath full of water doesn't make a good combination, he went nuts screaching and clawing the side of the bath trying to get up the side of the bath, luckly i didnt get clawed but after getting use to the water he just sat their and let me shampoo him which was great...It needed to be done as meany me i aciddently spilt chicken juice on him and he couldnt lick himself he would have got ill....

I then had to fight with Tigger to dry him with a towel which was fun as he kept escaping from the towel and running under things so i couldnt reach him lol, but finally i got him dry, well i didnt want him smelling of wet cat haha, but he wasnt happy with me for hours after wards and went on his cat tree so i couldnt reach him and faced the oppisite way lol so i think i will only bath him when it is needed..

This is America's Angel signing off...night everyone

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