Friday, October 1, 2010

Another day in America as America's Angel, their should officially be a law about getting up at 5 in the morning, its just not right they should ban it and let people get up at the earliest 7 even my cat agrees with me only difference between me and my kitty is she will sleep for most of the day where i cant which i think is totally mean lol..

Ive already had to have 2 coffee's to wake myself up and its only 7:30, i wonder how many more coffee's i will have today probably alot more.

Well i guess we will see what the rest of the day brings im already guessing washing, cleaning, dishes and cooking and thats only a small part of my day, then ill probably sort through draws and paperwork, when i got married i never guessed part of my wifly job would be filling and sorting but i must admit i enjoy every minute of it as my husband provides for me in every other way, as they say he takes care of the bills and i take care of the house and this is a very true saying lol.. Well this is America's Angel signing off from America lol.

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