Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Our kitty is growing so fast:)

Tigger went from being so small and innocent 2-3 weeks ago when we first adopted him at 5 months old, we brought him home and compared to our 2 year old cat willow he was tiny, we knew by the size of his paws he would be a big cat because compared to willows paws they were huge but i just didnt expect him to get so big so fast, but he has and he isnt even 6 months old yet so its scary to think how big he is going to get as you can tell by both the pics he has grown alot since 2-3 weeks ago..

But the bit that upsets me abit is my hubby paul has been away alot since we got him, i think in the last 3 weeks he has only been home for about 5-7 days so he hasnt had much time with Tigger and
I think he is going to get abit upset when he gets back from being away to realise he is no longer small and a kitten and also that he has missed out on how much he has changed, like when we first got Tigger willow didnt like him and now they sleep together, play together and chase each other around the house and he also missed Willow and Tigger climbing the cat tree together and laying on the ledge together which i thought was great and it was Willows first time on going on the cat tree so he missed that too...I know it may sound corny but we havent got a child yet so are kitties are our babies so its like a mile stone in a childs life, everything are kitties do is a big deal and paul has missed it all, i just hope he doesnt get to upset as when he was back for a few days he said to me how big he was getting and he looked abit upset about it..

Well what can i do i can't stop him growing im just glad he has settled in and he and Willow get on well as we adopted them both so they both had a bad start in life, but hopefully we can give them both lots of happy memories to push out the bad one's, i already plan to spoil them both for christmas as this will be Tiggers 1st chrismas and this will be Willows 2nd chrismas but she spent her 1st christmas in the shelter waiting to be adopted so we are going to make it extra special for them..

We love both are kitties and im glad we choose to adopt, only problem if i had my choice i would adopt every cat from the shelter so my husband is keeping me away from their lol, i dont blame him really hehe..

This is America's angel signing out, Night allxxx

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