Thursday, March 31, 2011

More to come:)

I have more England moment to come for those who are following, its just getting really late here and i should be heading to bed, else i will be wasting half a day in bed lol..

I hope your all enjoying the new additions to my blog and your enjoying the England moment i have to share, i know i enjoy sharing them with you all..

Theis is America's Angel signing off for now..Night everyone:)

Seeing My Two Gorgeous Nieces again

My Two Gorgeous Niece's Paris And Crytsal-Miss and Love you both lots and lots like jelly tot's;)
Above Me with My Gorgeous Niece Paris..

My other Gorgeous Niece Crystal..

Stella My Dads Dog and My Niece Crystal
While i was in England i got to see my older Sister Amy's Girls, My Niece's Paris and Crystal, they had changed so much since i last saw them which was when i left to live in America so over a year i hadn't seen them for and when i saw them they looked so grown up and Crystal could talk which was weird as when i left she was still using baby talk, i knew she would be talking when i seen her but it just shocked me i don't think i was ready for it, as it hit home how much i had been missing out on in the year i wasn't around, but i had loads of pressies for them to show them how much their Auntie had missed them..

I got to see them a few time's while i was their but to be honest it wasn't as much as i wanted to as Amy didn't bring them over that much while i was their, so i hardly saw Amy either but i guess even though i was upset she couldn't make the effort i come to realise least i tried to see her as i ended up going over 1 night for hours, so i made a effort..

But i still loved the time i did get to spend with them, any time with them is better then non at all well thats what i think anyway...

My awesome catch up with My Auntie and Uncle in England

My amazing night out catching up with more family in England:)
Above me getting myself ready to go out with my Auntie Marie and Uncle Ian:)

My Auntie Marie and Uncle Ian siiting on the Giant Chairs outside the Restraunte

Me again just before i was heading out with my Auntie Marie and Uncle Ian..

While i was in England my Auntie Marie and Uncle Ian treated me to a lovely Chinese which had just opened up in Town In England, it was all you could eat for 15 pound each they had a massive selection, i couldnt believe how packed it was. I had so much food, i even had dessert it was all so nice and well presented and they had something for everyone espeically if your anything like me (Fussy) lol, it was so awesome i will defiantly be going back their on my next visit home..

Once we got outside after finishing our meals i finally got why it was so packed because it was amazing all round in every aspect..

Us all have a Roast Together

The Yummy Roast Dinner my Dad made for all of us when i went back to visit :)
Above My little sister Kelsey, Max and My other little sister Josie.

My little sister Kelsey, Max, My Mumzy and My little sister Josie...

Dad made a lovely roast just for me while i was back in England and We decided to sit down as a family which is very unusual as normally when i was living in England we all ate in different rooms, so it was nice to spend time sat around the table together as a family..

Pics of my visit to England

Above me meeting Mason my Great-Cousin for the 1st time:)
Above My Little sis Josie with Mason:)
My Mumzy and My Youngest Sister Kelsey
My mumzy again have a nice cuppa..
My younger Sister Kelsey again..
These pics our of my last few days in England, i hated that i had to say goodbye again to my whole family, but i was so excited to be coming home to my gorgeous hubby..
I defiantly will be taking my Hubby back to England with me the next time i go to visit..

Friday, March 25, 2011

My new tattoo's i got done in England:)

Above my Ankle tattoo all coloured in..
Above my Neck Tattoo all coloured in:)
Above my Ankle tattoo before it got coloured in..
Above My Neck tattoo before it was coloured in..
So i got both theses tatto's done while i was back in England 2 days after i got their..
My dad had been tattoing family for about a year and as you can see it must have been his calling as i think their awesome, but dad does it as a hobbie not as a job as he just loves to tattoo which i think is great espiecally for his kids as we get them free of charge..
So i was so excited when Dad offered to do these for me while i was their as i had wanted them for a while but i knew they would be expensive so thankyou dad i love them..
But their was alot of pain with getting tattoo's done on my Ankle and Neck but i must say they were well worth it..
My dad done everything awesomely he must have spent a good 3 hours making these tattoo's perfect which i think they are..
Thankyou dad:)

The Great English Takeaway:)

Above my Spicy Spuds Yum:)
Above my takaway..Spicy Spuds and Sausage
with Curry Sauce on the side..
Above Kelsey trying to eat her Chips and Battered Sausage as you can see the
Dog thinks she should share it hehe..
Above My dad chumping down on his Battered Burgar;)
Above My Mumzy Cod and Chips with
Curry sauce on the side..
Above Kelsey with Her chips and Battered Sausage, My dad with his chips, battered Burgar and Battered Sausage and of coarse Mumzy with Her Cod and Chips..

This is on my first night back in England, my Mum treated me to my Favorite takeaway that i use to have at least once a week in England when i lived their..
You could say by the last too blogs i have been finding it hard to adjust to the foods in America as they don't do any of my favorite food's here but i am trying hard and it gets easier to adjust day by day which is good.
I Miss alot of foods that are very Different here to English food such as Marmite on toast, Cheese on toast, Bacon Rasher Crisp-Chips as you call them and curry sauce..
I lost count of the amout of takaway's i had but i only paid for one takeaway while i was their, my grandad spoilt me rotten by buying Chinese about 3 times and also he brought a Chip Shop takeaway so im very surprised i didn't put on a pound which is awesome:)
Also just to let you know the Sausage i had in my takeaway was pure pork unlike here most sausage's here are beef or pork with beef which i find odd but each to their own i just prefer Purre Pork Sausage hehe:)
So hopefully i find something i absolutly love here in a America..

A English Roast

Above my dads Gorgeous Roast before i Munched down on it Yum:)
Above My Dad's gorgous Roast after i was finished with it hehe;)
Above the Classic Mint Sauce in England
Above my Dad's homemade Roast Potatoes, which is the best part
of the Roast in my books hehe:)
My Dad's Roast Carrots which are awesome.
English Yorkshire Pups with Gravy in the middle yum:)

So when i went to England after being away for over a year the one thing i had missed other then my family of coarse was my dad's amazing roast, so when i went back my dad cooked me all my favourite's which my biggest favorite was the roast but my dad also made me Chicken Stew, Chips and Bacon, Cheese on toast, Marmite on Toast and lots of other goodie's..
You may be thinking at this point she is abit nuts they have Roast's here in America and to that i would like to point out, that they are different like you have mash with yours well im not a fan of mash so for me it was a big adjustment not making my dads homemade potatoes with Christmas Dinner this year as one of the main Ingrediants in my dad's Roast Potatoe's is Oxo Cubes and inless i want to go a hour away and pay $16.00 for 6 cubes at the British Emporium, you can't get them here, so hopefully they bring out Oxo Cubes out at Walmart this year haha..

So busy, no time to blog...

Well as you can guess by the title i haven't blogged in a while due to having little time in the past few months with packing and going to England and keeping up with daily chores and everything, i haven't had any time just to be able to just sit and reflect and write my feeling in my blog..

So hopefully starting from today i will be back to blogging like crazy as i love to blog and letting people know the path my life has took and is going..

As you know from my first blog i am originally from England and moved to the states last year in January with my husband Paul to start a new adventure together and that it has been, so in my next blog i will be blogging about my trip to England to visit my family and having to travel without my husband for the first time ever which i thought was scary espiecally as the plan trip was 9.5 hours long..

Hope you all have a good day:)

Bye for now America's angelx