Thursday, March 31, 2011

My awesome catch up with My Auntie and Uncle in England

My amazing night out catching up with more family in England:)
Above me getting myself ready to go out with my Auntie Marie and Uncle Ian:)

My Auntie Marie and Uncle Ian siiting on the Giant Chairs outside the Restraunte

Me again just before i was heading out with my Auntie Marie and Uncle Ian..

While i was in England my Auntie Marie and Uncle Ian treated me to a lovely Chinese which had just opened up in Town In England, it was all you could eat for 15 pound each they had a massive selection, i couldnt believe how packed it was. I had so much food, i even had dessert it was all so nice and well presented and they had something for everyone espeically if your anything like me (Fussy) lol, it was so awesome i will defiantly be going back their on my next visit home..

Once we got outside after finishing our meals i finally got why it was so packed because it was amazing all round in every aspect..

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