Thursday, March 31, 2011

Seeing My Two Gorgeous Nieces again

My Two Gorgeous Niece's Paris And Crytsal-Miss and Love you both lots and lots like jelly tot's;)
Above Me with My Gorgeous Niece Paris..

My other Gorgeous Niece Crystal..

Stella My Dads Dog and My Niece Crystal
While i was in England i got to see my older Sister Amy's Girls, My Niece's Paris and Crystal, they had changed so much since i last saw them which was when i left to live in America so over a year i hadn't seen them for and when i saw them they looked so grown up and Crystal could talk which was weird as when i left she was still using baby talk, i knew she would be talking when i seen her but it just shocked me i don't think i was ready for it, as it hit home how much i had been missing out on in the year i wasn't around, but i had loads of pressies for them to show them how much their Auntie had missed them..

I got to see them a few time's while i was their but to be honest it wasn't as much as i wanted to as Amy didn't bring them over that much while i was their, so i hardly saw Amy either but i guess even though i was upset she couldn't make the effort i come to realise least i tried to see her as i ended up going over 1 night for hours, so i made a effort..

But i still loved the time i did get to spend with them, any time with them is better then non at all well thats what i think anyway...

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