Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Mum inlaw:)

Me and Mummy Jewell spending some quality time together:)

Me and Mummy Jewell doing our fave thing Magazine Puzzle's..

Paul with his mum just before dinner.

Me, Mummy Jewell and Paul playing around:)

Paul, Mummy Jewell and Me playing around just before some wine drinking..

Well as you can tell this blog is about my Mum inlaw, because she is awesome in every way..

Well i have lots of friends that are married and of coarse with marriage come's inlaws, well all i hear is how inlaws and espiecally mother inlaws are big pains and they don't get on with them, well i am deifantly not one of those, i love my inlaws and me and my husbands mum get on so well and have so much in common, we love the same thing's and even hate alot of the same thing's it's great..

I as so lucky to have such great inlaw's that i get on with as if they were my own parent's, well i suppose in away they are my parent's now and i'm very proud to be able to say that..

I thought i was so lucky when i married my husband and i was because i got a awesome Husband and 2 great parent's..

Thankyou for welcoming me into the family..

I love you Mummy and Daddy Jewell, your the greatest inlaws anyone could ask for..

Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Zealand at mum and dads home..

Me and Mummy Jewell doing a crossword puzzle.

Keisha playing with her ball..

Keisha chewing her ball..

Keisha being cute..

Keisha being cute with her ball..

Me and Mummy Jewell thinking hard on a crossword puzzle..

Paul watching TV and feeling cold.

Paul feeling very cold and watching Television..

We had spent 2 months planning our vacation to New Zealand and for once it all worked out and went well lol.

The flight was very long and tiring it took over 13 hours from LA to Auckland to get their but it was well worth it as we had so much fun and went so many different places.

We arrived in at Auckland at around 7 in the morning, So it gave us all day to catch up with Mummy and Daddy Jewell.

The first day we were their we just settled in and spent the day catching up and chatting with Mummy and Daddy Jewell, we also played the Wii together which was fun..

Me and Mummy Jewell also spent a few hours of our first day doing magazine crossword puzzles and while we done that we also had a catch up without the boys and lots of coffee which was unreal lol..

But it was a great first day and it give us a chance to relax after such a long flight and we missed Mummy and Daddy Jewell so much we hadnt seen them in over 2 years since they moved out to new Zealand

Most nights we would watch a movie and rest are feet as we done a lot of walking while we were their and we all decided to have a early night most night's due to being so over active and going out most days.

A few days out of are vacation was spent resting our feet and relaxing due to bad whether and just wanting to spend time with Mummy and Daddy Jewell.
Me and Mummy Jewell done alot of magazine crosswords together and Paul and Daddy Jewell played the Wii for hours on the days we spent relaxing..

We enjoyed just being able to spend a few of the days of our vacation relaxing and spending a quiet day in with the parents and we defiantly had alot to catch up on in the years we hadnt seen them.

New Zealand Sceneria...

Some of the sceneria...

The awesome design's on top of coffee and a piece of lovely cake..

The awesome design's on top of coffee and a piece of lovely cake..

The awesome design's on top of coffee and a piece of lovely cake..

The awesome design's on top of coffee and a piece of lovely cake..

Some of the sceneria...

Some of the sceneria...

Some of the sceneria...

Some of the sceneria...

Some of the sceneria...

I thought i would put these on their's just a few but i thought everyone would like to see them, Its the veiw from the car of area's in New Zealand and the coffee..

One of the fun facts i learnt in New Zealand is the staff that make's the coffee's are actually trained to put different patten's on the coffee, Which is a pretty awesome fact..

New Zealand Beach.

Long Bay beach in New Zealand, Awesome veiws from the sand:)
Me Next to the Beach Sign..

The veiw of the Reservation, which is a charity to keep the Beach Clean.

The veiw looking out to the Sea.

The veiw of the Sand, Surf and Sea:)

The lovely veiw of the Sand and Tree's on the Beach..

The veiw of all the cliffs on the edge of the sea..

Keisha playing on the Sand.

Keisha running away from the wave's hehe...

Keisha enjoying the Beach..

Mummy Jewell playing ball with Keisha on the beach..

Me enjoying the beach and get surprised by the wave's hitting my feet lol.

Keisha putting her foot print in the sand..

The awesome veiw of the cliff's along the beach..

The awesome veiw of the cliffs along the beach again..

Keisha playing in the sea..

Keisha playing with all her doggy friends on the beach..

Mummy Jewell playing with keisha and her doggy friends on the beach..

The beautiful waves on New Zealand beach..

Keisha playing in the waves..

The veiw looking back from the beach..

All the beautiful tree's on the beach..
Well on are second day in New Zealand Me and Mummy Jewell Decided to take Keisha to the beach for a nice long walk, we left around 8:15 and spent a good 1hr 30mins their, we had so much fun with Keisha..Keisha enjoyed every minute of it.
When we got back we were so tired but we still had a full day to fill with fun, we all had such a good day that when we got back to Mummy and Daddy Jewell's we were ready for bed..ZZzzzz

The Sky Tower in New Zealand:)

Looking Down in the Lift, The lift floor is made of Glass..

One of the Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

One of the Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

One of the Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Daddy Jewell up in the Sky Tower.

Looking down through the glass floor up in The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

People Sky Diving off The Sky Tower Platform.

People getting ready to walk around the edge of The Sky Tower.

Another Amazing Veiw from the top of The Sky Tower.

Me, Paul and Mummy Jewell up in The Sky Tower.

Me up in The Sky Tower.

Me, Paul and Mummy Jewell up on The Sky Tower again.

Me and Daddy Jewell up in The Sky Tower.

Me up in The Sky Tower.

Paul up in The Sky Tower,

Me, Paul and Mummy Jewell up in The Sky Tower again.

The amazing design on top of the coffee's in New Zealand.

Another awesome design on top of a coffee..

Looking Down in the Lift, The lift floor is made of Glass..

Looking Down in the Lift again, The lift floor is made of Glass..

Looking Down in the Lift agaiin, The lift floor is made of Glass..

Looking Down in the Lift agaiin, The lift floor is made of Glass..

Looking Down in the Lift agaiin, The lift floor is made of Glass..

Me standing beside the minature of The Sky Tower.

Mummy Jewell standing beside the minature of The Sky Tower..

Me under the weird wood statue..

Mummy Jewell under the weird wooden Statue

Me standing on a floor section made of sand..

Me again standing on a floor section made of sand..

At 328 metres, it is the tallest man-made structure in New Zealand and offers breathtaking veiws for up to 80 kilometres in every direction.
Travel up in the glass-fronted lifts to one of the three spectacular viewing platforms, or for more thrills and excitement, sky walk round the pergola at 192 metres up or Sky jump off the Tower!
Relax with a coffee and light refreshments at Sky Lounge, enjoy a seafood feast at The Observatory Restaurant or dine at Orbit- Auckland's only 360-degree revolving restaurant.
Sky Tower is one of New Zealand's most exhilarating and spectacular tourist attractions, you will be amazed at what you can see and do under one roof!

We had a awesome time up in the Sky Tower and would defiantly do it again when we visit next, we spend hours taking in the veiws and enjoying the experience.