Friday, April 1, 2011

My 1st day back in England:)

In the car on our way back from Heathrow Airport:)
My little Sister Kelsey and Me on our way back from Heathrow Airport..

Me playing around in the back of dads car hehe:)

My dad driving the long 4 hour drive back from the Airport from picking me up..

Kelsey and Me being poser's While driving back from the Airport.

Kelsey playing around in the back of the car lol.

Kelsey and me poking our tongue's out ;)

My little sister Kelsey and Me again..

My little Sister Kelsey playing around again.

These our some pic's of our 4 hour drive back to England after picking me up from the Airport at Heathrow.

It was great the feeling of being back in England and seeing my family again after over a year of not being able to see them..

I had just spent 9 hours traveling on a plane thats not including the hours spent in the Airports, But seeing i hadnt slept in over 24hrs i looked pretty good on my long journey back to plymouth which is 4 hours from Heathrow Airport which is in London..

It was worth the long journey though to see my family again.

Love you all:)

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