Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Zealand Wine Tasting.

The Grape's growing in the Vin Yard...

Me and Paul having a fag before we go in to try some wine.

Daddy Jewell looking out into the Vin Yard.

The Veiw looking out to the Vin yard..

Me and Paul outside the Entrance.

Me and Paul outside the Entrance again.

Me and Paul beside a big Wine barrell.

Me and Paul again beside a big Wine barrell.

Me and Paul beside a big Wine barrell and Mummy Jewell in front..

Daddy Jewell, Me and Paul beside a big Wine barrell.

Daddy Jewell, Me and Paul beside a big Wine barrell again.

The Wine tasting building..

The vine yard..

The Vine Yard.

Mummy Jewell, Paul and Me trying some Wine..

On the last few days before we left New Zealand we decided to go to a few Vine Yard's and try some New Zealand wine, we had a great time trying different Wines, we liked a few wine's that much we brought two bottle's to take back to Mummy and Daddy Jewell's house.

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