Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Mum inlaw:)

Me and Mummy Jewell spending some quality time together:)

Me and Mummy Jewell doing our fave thing Magazine Puzzle's..

Paul with his mum just before dinner.

Me, Mummy Jewell and Paul playing around:)

Paul, Mummy Jewell and Me playing around just before some wine drinking..

Well as you can tell this blog is about my Mum inlaw, because she is awesome in every way..

Well i have lots of friends that are married and of coarse with marriage come's inlaws, well all i hear is how inlaws and espiecally mother inlaws are big pains and they don't get on with them, well i am deifantly not one of those, i love my inlaws and me and my husbands mum get on so well and have so much in common, we love the same thing's and even hate alot of the same thing's it's great..

I as so lucky to have such great inlaw's that i get on with as if they were my own parent's, well i suppose in away they are my parent's now and i'm very proud to be able to say that..

I thought i was so lucky when i married my husband and i was because i got a awesome Husband and 2 great parent's..

Thankyou for welcoming me into the family..

I love you Mummy and Daddy Jewell, your the greatest inlaws anyone could ask for..

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