Friday, April 1, 2011

Being Back at my Parent's House in England

My Family in England, well mostly my Sister's but its only because i seen them everyday:)
My Little sister Kelsey Wearing the American Hairbow i brought her back.

My little sister Josie playing around lol..

My Dad playing on his Labtop i gave him:).

My two little sisters have a cuddle..Awww:)

Josie playing around again:)

My Mumzy cooking Super Noodle's with a Fag in her month..
She call's it Multi tasking haha:)

Kelsey laughing her head off at me making faces hehe:)

My Uncle Lance..

So while i was in England i stayed with my Mum and Dad, i got so many visiters it was great to see everyone, These pics are just a few i took of people mostly of my sisters as we had so much fun together while i was their..

Me and my sister's get on so much better now as when i lived their we would fight like no tomorrow i guess the saying is true -
(when you live under the same roof you and your sibling's fight like Cat and Dogs hehe)

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