Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Zealand Zoo:)

New Zealand Zoo:)

Paul, Me and Daddy Jewell at the entrance at the Zoo.

Me, Paul and Mummy Jewell at the entance of the Zoo..

The Giraffes at the Zoo.

Baby Giraffe:)

Scary Bird haha..

More Giraffe's at the Zoo..

The Giraffe's and Zebra's.

The Kiwi bird, The National Bird Of New Zealand..


Otter's by the water..

More Otter's.

A Otter after his bath.

Another Otter

A Meer cat watching over the pack.

A pack of Meercat.

Serentgeti Wild cat.

Serengeti Wild Cat.

2 Hippo's near the water hole..

Mummy Jewell, Me and Paul near the Hippo's.

Mummy Jewell, Me and Paul near the Hippo's again.


Cheetah up close..

A Cheetah relaxing.

A Cheetah just waking up.


Me sitting to close for my liking to a Cheetah even though theirs glass deviding us..

Me sitting to close for my liking to a Cheetah again..


Lion facing away from us.

Chickens and Chicks.

Rhino relaxing.

A rare breed of Deer.

Another Serengeti Wild Cat.

Be Scary Tiger.

Tiger chewing his bone.

Kangaroo. cute.

Freaky looking bird..

Big Turtles.

Unusual Monkey's.

Very loud Monkey.

Another unusual Monkey.


Long Tailed Monkey's.

More Monkeys.

More Monkey's.

One of the objects round the Zoo.

The wall of fish lol.

Poster at the Zoo.

A sign we seen heading to the Sericeti Encloser.

Another Cheetah, looking right at me.

We went to Visit New Zealand Zoo while in New Zealand and their were so many animals that i had never seen before, they were all so beautiful.

We didn't get to see a few animals as their enclosers were being redone but i don't think it mattered to much as we seen lots of unusual and big animals, we took in the whole experience and loved every minute of it...

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