Monday, August 29, 2011

Our kitties their last night in the appartment...

                 Tigger and Willow their last night in the Appartment...

Willow sleeping on the bed..

Willow all comfy on the bed..

Tigger sleepy beside the bed..

Willow snozzing..

So i forgot to post this before the moving day blog but i thought they were to cute not to post, this is our cat's the night before the move, they were very upset and didnt leave our side because they knew something was happening and i think they thought we were going to leave them behind, we could never do that, their our babie's..

Willow and Tigger:)

My 1st batch of Roast Potatoe's in the New house..

                   My 1st batch of Roast Potatoe's in the new house...

Extra large pan of roasties hehe..

All mine lol:)

You can almost taste them hehe:)

So this is my first batch of Roast Potatoes in our new house and i decided to make a large batch and the best part is their all mine because Paul doesnt like roast potatoes or Gravy which is what you put on top of the potatoe's he only likes Boiled potatoe's which im not a fan of so all these are all mine..

They were so yummy but i couldnt eat them all so i had to keep over half for the next day, which is ok by me because they taste better the next day..

I love Roast Potatoe's and always will hehe:)

Our Neighbours come over to welcome us to the Neighbourhood..

            Our Neighbours came to welcome us to the Neighbour hood..

Yummy Brownie's, Oat Cookie's and Rice Crispie Cakes:).

Our New Neighbours brought us some tasty treats..

They all taste as good as they look hehe..

So many Calories but i had to eat them haha:)

So the Sunday after we moved in our next door neighbour and are neighbours across the road popped in to welcome us to the neighbour hood  and brought with them some more delicious treats the ones i mentioned in my previous post..

They were so nice and made us feel very welcome, our next door neighbours were Amber and her 2 year old daughter Averie and our new across the road neighbours our Eve and Josh..They are all so friendly and kind..

We are now friends and i have spent time with Amber and Averie and also Eve and Josh so we already have 4 new friends well 3 and a half hehe..

So as you can tell with my recent blog post's it has been a awesome first month in our new house and it keeps getting better:) 

Our treat to ourselfs to welcome us to our new home..

               Our treat to ourselve's to welcome us to our new home...

Fresh and Yummy cream cake...

Our yummy treat chocalate cake...

Paul cutting us a slice of cake hehe:)

My slice of cake..

Pauls slice of cake...

So to celebrate our new home me and Paul brought ourself's  a yummy Creme Chocalate Cake and Paul cut us a slice each of cake the night we moved in and can't you tell which piece is his hehe.

It took us over a week to eat the whole thing because we got lots of treat's from other people such as our new Neighbour's and Parent's so we defiantly wasnt on a diet for the first 2 weeks of living in our new house hehe but i dont think we minded much.

But all the treats we got were delicious so thankyou everyone for the treats:)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Us trying Mummy and Daddy Jewell Gift..

                              Us trying Mummy and Jewells awesome gift:)

Me and Paul holding the cookies we were just about to try..

My Cookie yummy:)

Pauls cookie Yummy:)

Paul finishing off his cookie..

The day we got Mummy and Daddy Jewell's gift we just had to try one they looked way to yummy to not hehe..

So me and Paul picked a cookie which just happened to be the same one which was in the shape of a house and was even decorated to look like a house.

So i put them on plates to make sure we didnt make to much of a mess and we dug in, they were so big and sweet it took us about 20mins to devour but it was delilious and was worth every calorie hehe..

The awesome gift we got from the parents

The awesome gift we got from our parents to welcome us to our new home:)

Our house warming gift

Cookies in the shape of a flower bonguet..

How they decorated one of the cookies..

Another cookie decorated..

Another yummy cookie..

we are going to put on the pounds with this present hehe..

Awesome gift..

just to show how many cookies their are..

Yummy big cookies..

In their place of pride..

So this was a gift we got off of Mummy and Daddy Jewell to welcome us to our new home, it is a awesome gift me and paul loved it, it was a surprise gift as Mummy and Daddy Jewell didnt tell us they were sending a gift or card so it was a lovely surprise..

Luckily they are indivially wrappe so we didnt have to eat them right away, we had 1 each the day we got them, but we are taking it easy on them as they are very sweet and naughty hehe..

Thankyou Mummy and Daddy Jewell we love it..

Our new Mail and Key table..

                                   Our new mail and key table...

The table we keep mail and Keys on..

So we had been at the house a couple of times and all the mail and keys were just being chucked on the kitchen side which i find really annoying so i thought i would go and buy a meduim size table and 3 different size wicker baskets to put mail and keys in..

So heres a picture of the finished table and baskets in the Foye near the door so when we walk in we can chuck our keys in the baskets and the mail its own basket which is great..

Also the best part is Paul now has no excuse to clutter my kitchen counter ups with his keys and mail hehe..

We choose are rooms..

                                 We choose are room's..


Baby Room..

Baby Room...

Pauls computer Room..

Pauls Man Room..

So when we moved into the new house we were trying to think what to do with our 3 spare rooms so we decided Paul would get his own man room which has his computer, his controllers and he even has his own settee, i would get my own scrap booking room which has a large scrapbooking table, scrapbooking supplies, all my Memory boxes and all my Teddie bears i hae collected over the years and then the last one i would be able to do into a nursery which of coarse has everything a baby would need hehe..

So i love having mine own scrap booking room and Paul defiantly love's his man room of coarse..

If we ever have someone come and visit we will just put my scrapbooking table down and all the supplies in the cuboard and go and buy a bed but untill then we have our own rooms hehe...

Our 1st Dinner in our new house

                                        Our first dinner in our new house..

Pal eating his dinner in the New house..

The meal we had the 1st night in the new house..

The night we had moved in which was the sunday the 17th we had done so much and i was to tired to cook we had a takeaway but the day after i decided to cook but didnt over do it so just made up some Chips and Hot Pockets and even though it was a simple meal it was nice and only took 30 mins in total to make..

It was the first meal we had and cooked in the new house so i thought i would document it hehe..

Our 1st day of packing and moving

                                  Our 1st day of Packing and Moving..

Arriving at U-haul to collect the truck..

A guy checking over the U-Haul that was just brought back..

U-Haul office with all the packing material they can supply you if you need it..

Some advertising outside the U-Haul office..

Paul and one of the U-Haul workers he was telling Paul about the U-haul we had renting..

The pack of our U-haul...

Out side our appointment the side of the U-haul..

Paul in the U-haul..

Paul reversing the U-haul...

The U-haul Truck keys..

Paul all sweaty from running up and down the stairs all morning, 3 flights of stairs..

Me unpacking the food into our new fridge freezer..

The food after being unpacked in our new Freezer..

Paul reversing the U-haul into our new Garage.

Paul again getting ready to reverse the U-haul in our new garage..

Paul taking a little rest on the back of the U-haul

Paul showing off his hard work, he moved 55 boxes down 3 flights of stairs amazing..

Paul getting ready to unload all the boxes of the U-haul..

Me unpacking all the Hangers into our new walk in closet...

We got our key on the friday and on the saturday we were hoping to move to the new house but when we rang the moving company they told us that they wouldnt be able to move us till the Sunday which we were very annoyed at but we couldnt do anything about it, but we also realised we had so much stuff it wouldnt all fit in the moving van they had so we decided friday evening we would rent a U-haul and pack all the boxes up ourselves and move them to the new house on the Saturday..

So me and Paul got up early on saturday and drove to get he U-haul truck and drove it back to the appartment to load it up, it took about 3-4 hours to load the U-haul up and i think that is good timing seeing we had 52 medium to large boxes and 3 flights of stairs to go up and down and you could only take 1 box at a time..

Paul done all the hard work of loading the U-haul truck up and i honestly dont know how he done it but he did..

So after we had the truck loaded up we drove the hour to the new house in Krum and unloaded all the boxes into the new house and i even unloaded the kitchen boxes and set up the kitchen so we could bin a few boxes back at the appartment bins.

So at about 6-7 we headed back towards Fort worth which took about 45 mins because traffic and cars was few and far between, but before we went back to the appartment we had to get dinner so we stopped at Wendy's, then we headed back just in time to talk to the Parents..

After we talked to the Parents for about a hour, we were ready to hit the hay but we couldnt as we had to make sure we had every thing packed into boxes and ready to go in the morning for the Packers..

So it was a really busy first day of packing and we were so tired and aching all over but we still had another day of packing to do the next day.