Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our 1st day of packing and moving

                                  Our 1st day of Packing and Moving..

Arriving at U-haul to collect the truck..

A guy checking over the U-Haul that was just brought back..

U-Haul office with all the packing material they can supply you if you need it..

Some advertising outside the U-Haul office..

Paul and one of the U-Haul workers he was telling Paul about the U-haul we had renting..

The pack of our U-haul...

Out side our appointment the side of the U-haul..

Paul in the U-haul..

Paul reversing the U-haul...

The U-haul Truck keys..

Paul all sweaty from running up and down the stairs all morning, 3 flights of stairs..

Me unpacking the food into our new fridge freezer..

The food after being unpacked in our new Freezer..

Paul reversing the U-haul into our new Garage.

Paul again getting ready to reverse the U-haul in our new garage..

Paul taking a little rest on the back of the U-haul

Paul showing off his hard work, he moved 55 boxes down 3 flights of stairs amazing..

Paul getting ready to unload all the boxes of the U-haul..

Me unpacking all the Hangers into our new walk in closet...

We got our key on the friday and on the saturday we were hoping to move to the new house but when we rang the moving company they told us that they wouldnt be able to move us till the Sunday which we were very annoyed at but we couldnt do anything about it, but we also realised we had so much stuff it wouldnt all fit in the moving van they had so we decided friday evening we would rent a U-haul and pack all the boxes up ourselves and move them to the new house on the Saturday..

So me and Paul got up early on saturday and drove to get he U-haul truck and drove it back to the appartment to load it up, it took about 3-4 hours to load the U-haul up and i think that is good timing seeing we had 52 medium to large boxes and 3 flights of stairs to go up and down and you could only take 1 box at a time..

Paul done all the hard work of loading the U-haul truck up and i honestly dont know how he done it but he did..

So after we had the truck loaded up we drove the hour to the new house in Krum and unloaded all the boxes into the new house and i even unloaded the kitchen boxes and set up the kitchen so we could bin a few boxes back at the appartment bins.

So at about 6-7 we headed back towards Fort worth which took about 45 mins because traffic and cars was few and far between, but before we went back to the appartment we had to get dinner so we stopped at Wendy's, then we headed back just in time to talk to the Parents..

After we talked to the Parents for about a hour, we were ready to hit the hay but we couldnt as we had to make sure we had every thing packed into boxes and ready to go in the morning for the Packers..

So it was a really busy first day of packing and we were so tired and aching all over but we still had another day of packing to do the next day.

1 comment:

  1. Hard work , But well worth it once you get it all done.
