Monday, August 29, 2011

Our kitties their last night in the appartment...

                 Tigger and Willow their last night in the Appartment...

Willow sleeping on the bed..

Willow all comfy on the bed..

Tigger sleepy beside the bed..

Willow snozzing..

So i forgot to post this before the moving day blog but i thought they were to cute not to post, this is our cat's the night before the move, they were very upset and didnt leave our side because they knew something was happening and i think they thought we were going to leave them behind, we could never do that, their our babie's..

Willow and Tigger:)

1 comment:

  1. Well, I hope they like their new home and how is the catnip plant? Did it survive the trip?
    Mine Died. I have to get another. Memory loves her catnip.
