Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our 2nd day of Packing and Moving.

                     Our 2nd day of Packing and Moving.

Tigger and Willow in the Cat boxes ready to got to our new home..

The kitties in their cat boxes they went on their first short road trip..

Tigger and Willow in our new home

The boxes in our new Kitchen ready to unpack..

I set up the cat water and litter in the kitchen the 1st day we got their..

The kitchen is mostly set up..

The kitchen set up the day we moved to the new house..

Tigger getting comfortable in his new home..

Tigger getting used to his new surrondings.

Willow figuring out where the litter tray is..

Willow found the litter Tray yay..

Tigger found his cat food in his new home

Making my first cup of coffee the day we arrived in our new home..

Our first cup of coffee in our new home.

So on the 2nd day of packing we got up early again to make sure everything was packed and ready to go and every thing that was coming with us and not the movers was already put in the car, after i made sure everything was sorted i packed up the cats in the cat carriers and headed toward Krum because we had the satalite people coming in to set up the televisions and we didnt know when the movers would make a appearence so i headed up to Krum while Paul stayed behind to wait for the packers, it took about a hour to get to the house and i unpacked the cats then unpacked the car and while i was on my own i started unpacking the boxes while i waited for the satalite people...

We learnt after we had rushed around early in the morning to get everything done for the packers that they forgot to put us on the books for moving that day and they didnt know if they could get any more guys to help us move we got so annoyed but after about 30 mins he rang and said he got to guys in on their day off to get us moved but Paul would have to wait till 12 for them,  so he had no choice but to sit and wait..

So i just carried on with unpacking and eventually i got the call i had been waiting for Paul was on his way to the new house with the Packers, so a hour later Paul arrived and they started unpacking all our furniture and it took them about a hour to unpack it all and while they were sorting that the television guys were setting up the satalite so by 6 oclock we were in our new house which felt awesome and also very surreal that it was our's..

As for the 2 movers that came in on their day off we were very grateful to them as they worked so hard and we made sure they knew we were grateful we gave them a $100 tip, well they were very excited to be getting a nice tip..

So by the time the day was over we needed our bed because we were so knackered and aching all over but we decided to put the bedroom all together and the frontroom together and most of the furniture in the right rooms, we then had a nice hot shower and went to bed and slept lol...

1 comment:

  1. Glad it turned out ok. lots of headaches got in the way. Gail
