Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Collecting our New House Keys

                   Collecting our New House Keys 15th July..

Our new house keys..
Our new house Keys we have 1 each and 2 spares which is great..

Our new house keys again...

Our new automatic garage door opener...

Just showing how thin it is from the side..

The clip and the batterie opening at the back of the garage key..

So after we signed all the papers it was around 6 oclock so abit late to pick up our keys but we rang Sharon the lady who sold us the house and she agreed to stay late so we could collect our keys which was awesome, so we got in the car and drove 45 minutes from Plano to Krum Denton to pick our house key's we were defiantly very excited the whole way their..

We got to Krum and met Sharon in her office and we just had to sign a bit of papeer to say we collected our  keys and then it was official the house was now ours it felt amazing to know we had our own home..

So we drove up the road to our new house to just walk through and it felt awesome to walk round and say this is our's

So all that was now left to do is move in..

1 comment:

  1. Now comes the fun part of unpacking all those wonderful boxes and putting everything in its place. Gail
