Friday, September 30, 2011

Our new puppy Samantha

                                        Our New Puppy Samantha..

Isnt she the cutest thing..

Samantha posing for the Camera..

Samantha trying to drag her new toy around hehe.

Even from the the start she has loved cuddles..

She tired herself out..

Tigger wondering what we brought home hehe..

Looking so peaceful asleep..

So we had been ohhing and ahhing whether to get a new dog or not for more then a month, but eventually we decided it was a good idea but then we still had to decide whether or not we would get a puppy or adopt a older dog and what breed to go for, we already knew we didnt want a small breed we prefer bigger dog's..

After god knows how long we decided we wanted a German Shephard and we would get a puppy as their was more chance the cats would take to a puppy then a older dog..

We had sent so many email's off and we kept getting jumk emails back we had almost given up when Paul found a guy that had 4 boys and 5 girl white puppy's at 1st we didnt know what breed they were but we rang and he still had all the puppie's and he also told us they were white pure breed German shephards and they all had paper work..

We were sold at that and rushed out to go and get her, he lived down in Fort Worth so we had to drive 45 mins away to get her and when we got their i asked the Seller to rub a blanket all over the mother dog so are new puppy would have a more settled 1st night, the only thing left to do was choose what one we wanted and we instantly knew Samantha was the one..

We brought her home on the 31st of July at just 7 weeks old and  she has been part of our family ever since:)

My 1st attempt at gardening..

                                  My 1st attempt at Gardening..

Part of my front garden..

My garden no weeds in sight hehe..

I had to cut my rose bush small because they were dieing from the heat..

I got some Solar light for my from garden hehe..

This was my first attempt at gardening in my life so i think i done a great job, before i done the gardening the bushes were all over grown, their was weeds every where, so it looked lovely once i had finished.

I even went and brought some solar light's from Lowe's to put around the edges of the flower beds so it would look all magical at night and i was right when you go out at night and it's all lite up it looks magical and peaceful..

I love having a nice garden, but it does take effort as it took me around 3-4 hours but it was worth it...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

My 1st attempt at homemade pasta sauce..

                   My 1st attempt at Homemade Pasta Sauce..

Look's so yummy and Taste just as good..

Paul half way through his meal..

Paul ate the whole lot lol..

I attempted my own handmade pasta sauce a few days ago because im not a big fan of the shop brought sauces so i did it and it didnt turn out to bad as you can see by the pics my hubby loved it that much he didnt leave one bit haha..

It only took me at most 15 mins to make and simmer so it doesnt take all day to make which is great and then just boil some pasta shells, then your done hehe..

The only thing i would say it needed was abit more salt and tomato paste and it would be perfect and more yummy..

So next time i make my homemade pasta sauce i will add more salt and tomato paste..

Monday, September 19, 2011

Paul building our new BBQ:)

                            Paul Building Our New BBQ:)

The box to our new Bbq..

Paul with his concentrating again tongue out haha..

Paul unpacking the BBQ..

Paul deciding what goes where..

Paul starting to put it together..

Paul reading the Manual..

Paul always read's the manual..

Paul just putting the last bit's to the BBQ together:)..

We brought a BBQ yay, Paul decided he wanted a BBQ so we could invite friends over for Garden Party's, so we went and looked at Walmart and found this nice cheap one, we didnt want a big expensive one because we wanted a BBQ not a Cooker on wheels, so we brought this one and it was are favorite and on the plus side it is easy to store and clean which is great..

So we brought it home and Paul put it together i think it only took him about 20 mins, the next day we decided to try it out and it defiantly done its job the Burgers and Sausage's were great..

I look forward to our future BBQ's..

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My New Computer Desk...

                                     My New Computer Desk...

My new portable desk..

So cute i love my new desk..

My New Portable Computer Desk, Paul rang me from work one day and told me about a computer desk online on offer and it would be perfect for me, so Paul decided to go and pick it up after work for me, he came home and as usual automatically went to put it together it took him about a hour because of all the parts and as you can see it looks great..

Paul was that happy with the bargain he found he wanted one for himself but he had only just brought a small black one for himself so didnt want to waste money when he already had one.

I love it and i can fit everything on it that i want to which is awesome:)

Thankyou Baby for getting me this awesome computer desk i love it:)

Our New Kicthen Table...

                               Our New Kitchen Table..

Our New Kitchen Table..

Paul sat at the new kitchen table enjoying a cuppa..

Tigger being Naughty by sitting at the kitchen table hehe..

Paul waiting for his tea at the new kithen table:)

So some of my friend's know i've wanted a table for the last year or so but we didnt have the room for one in the Appartment so when we got the house we 'well i was really excited we would finally be able to get a table so about a month after we moved to the new house we started looking around for one,  and we finally found one that was good for the money and looked good, we found it online at Walmart and i love being able to sit and eat lunch and dinner..

Awesome Find At Walmart...

Paul putting together our New Strimmer..

                                 Paul putting together out New Strimmer:)

Paul's new toy the Strimmer haha;)

Paul trying to pull the Dtrimmer out of its box..

Paul putting the power supplie on the Strimmer..

Paul admiring his new strimmer...

Paul undoing the wire to the power supplie..

Charging the power supplie..

Paul fiddling with his new toy;)

The strimmer already to go..

So after Paul had cut the grass he came in and said we need to get a strimmer to reach all the edge's the the Lawn mower couldnt reach, So i said ok no worries if you want one go get one so Paul headed out to Walmart and lowe's, he did'nt come back for about 2 hours but he eventually arrived home with a strimmer in his arms and of coarse he wanted to put it together right away and finish the garden off, so he carried on doing his man dutie's hehe, he was very proud of himself..

He was also very happy with his awesome find with the Strimmer as again it was a great deal and Paul espiecally liked the boost on the Strimmer typical man haha..

So another toy for Paul to play with haha, 4 words-your more then welcome hunny..Hehe

Paul hard at work Mowing the Grass..

                                Paul hard at work Mowing the Lawn:)

Paul starting the Lawn..

Paul hard at work..

How well the Lawn Mower works on the Garden..

Paul going round the edge of the garden..

Paul working up a sweat..

Paul almost finished on the back garden 3 more gardens to go haha.

Paul was feeling the heat by this point and he still had 3 gardens to go yet..

Paul making sure he got everybit of grass hehe..

So Paul decided to get to work on the garden but i dont think he realised it would be so much hard work and it was that hot outside because by the time he had finished the back garden he was so hot and tired he was ready to be done but he wasnt as he still had both side gardens to do and the front garden, so still alot of work to do but i made sure i went out every 20 mins to give him a nice cold cup of water with ice to keep him cold:)

So after 3 hours the garden was finally finished and even though Paul was tired he was very happy with all his hard work and it looked lovely and short:)

I just can't believe what a difference cutting the grass makes but it does lol;)

Paul putting together our new Lawn Mower

                            Paul putting together our new Lawn Mower..

Paul hard at work:)

Paul stopping to think hehe..

Paul sticks his tongue out when he is consentrating hard haha..

Paul always reads the manual..

Paul putting all the poles together to the handle..

Paull attaching the handles to the Lawn mower..

Paul trying out the Lawn mower off of coarse..

Paul making sure the handle on the Lawn mower is secure..

So when we moved into the new house and all of a sudden we had 4 gardens to care for that we have never had before, we realised we had to go and buy a Lawn Mower and quick because the whether was so hot the grass was growing so fast it was unreal, so we looked around at Walmart and everywhere online and we finally found this Black and Decker one on Amazon that we really liked and it wasnt to expensive where as every other one we had seen was pretty expensive.

It is a great make and the price was right, it also had a setting on it that mulches the grass which means instead of having to rake or bin bag the grass the Lawn Mower chops it into tiny pieces and relays it on the grass which is awesome i think and it works lovely.

Another Toy for Paul to use haha:)