Sunday, September 11, 2011

Paul putting together our New Strimmer..

                                 Paul putting together out New Strimmer:)

Paul's new toy the Strimmer haha;)

Paul trying to pull the Dtrimmer out of its box..

Paul putting the power supplie on the Strimmer..

Paul admiring his new strimmer...

Paul undoing the wire to the power supplie..

Charging the power supplie..

Paul fiddling with his new toy;)

The strimmer already to go..

So after Paul had cut the grass he came in and said we need to get a strimmer to reach all the edge's the the Lawn mower couldnt reach, So i said ok no worries if you want one go get one so Paul headed out to Walmart and lowe's, he did'nt come back for about 2 hours but he eventually arrived home with a strimmer in his arms and of coarse he wanted to put it together right away and finish the garden off, so he carried on doing his man dutie's hehe, he was very proud of himself..

He was also very happy with his awesome find with the Strimmer as again it was a great deal and Paul espiecally liked the boost on the Strimmer typical man haha..

So another toy for Paul to play with haha, 4 words-your more then welcome hunny..Hehe

1 comment:

  1. Way to keep your lawn looking good . Work it. Work it.
