Sunday, September 11, 2011

Paul hard at work Mowing the Grass..

                                Paul hard at work Mowing the Lawn:)

Paul starting the Lawn..

Paul hard at work..

How well the Lawn Mower works on the Garden..

Paul going round the edge of the garden..

Paul working up a sweat..

Paul almost finished on the back garden 3 more gardens to go haha.

Paul was feeling the heat by this point and he still had 3 gardens to go yet..

Paul making sure he got everybit of grass hehe..

So Paul decided to get to work on the garden but i dont think he realised it would be so much hard work and it was that hot outside because by the time he had finished the back garden he was so hot and tired he was ready to be done but he wasnt as he still had both side gardens to do and the front garden, so still alot of work to do but i made sure i went out every 20 mins to give him a nice cold cup of water with ice to keep him cold:)

So after 3 hours the garden was finally finished and even though Paul was tired he was very happy with all his hard work and it looked lovely and short:)

I just can't believe what a difference cutting the grass makes but it does lol;)

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