Friday, September 30, 2011

My 1st attempt at gardening..

                                  My 1st attempt at Gardening..

Part of my front garden..

My garden no weeds in sight hehe..

I had to cut my rose bush small because they were dieing from the heat..

I got some Solar light for my from garden hehe..

This was my first attempt at gardening in my life so i think i done a great job, before i done the gardening the bushes were all over grown, their was weeds every where, so it looked lovely once i had finished.

I even went and brought some solar light's from Lowe's to put around the edges of the flower beds so it would look all magical at night and i was right when you go out at night and it's all lite up it looks magical and peaceful..

I love having a nice garden, but it does take effort as it took me around 3-4 hours but it was worth it...

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