Sunday, September 11, 2011

My New Computer Desk...

                                     My New Computer Desk...

My new portable desk..

So cute i love my new desk..

My New Portable Computer Desk, Paul rang me from work one day and told me about a computer desk online on offer and it would be perfect for me, so Paul decided to go and pick it up after work for me, he came home and as usual automatically went to put it together it took him about a hour because of all the parts and as you can see it looks great..

Paul was that happy with the bargain he found he wanted one for himself but he had only just brought a small black one for himself so didnt want to waste money when he already had one.

I love it and i can fit everything on it that i want to which is awesome:)

Thankyou Baby for getting me this awesome computer desk i love it:)


  1. So cool of Paul to get you a new toy to go with your PC.

  2. My Daddy's one looks like this one. Love Squeak xx
