Sunday, September 11, 2011

Paul putting together our new Lawn Mower

                            Paul putting together our new Lawn Mower..

Paul hard at work:)

Paul stopping to think hehe..

Paul sticks his tongue out when he is consentrating hard haha..

Paul always reads the manual..

Paul putting all the poles together to the handle..

Paull attaching the handles to the Lawn mower..

Paul trying out the Lawn mower off of coarse..

Paul making sure the handle on the Lawn mower is secure..

So when we moved into the new house and all of a sudden we had 4 gardens to care for that we have never had before, we realised we had to go and buy a Lawn Mower and quick because the whether was so hot the grass was growing so fast it was unreal, so we looked around at Walmart and everywhere online and we finally found this Black and Decker one on Amazon that we really liked and it wasnt to expensive where as every other one we had seen was pretty expensive.

It is a great make and the price was right, it also had a setting on it that mulches the grass which means instead of having to rake or bin bag the grass the Lawn Mower chops it into tiny pieces and relays it on the grass which is awesome i think and it works lovely.

Another Toy for Paul to use haha:)

1 comment:

  1. Lots of work to get ready to mow. Good looking lawn mower.
