Thursday, September 29, 2011

My 1st attempt at homemade pasta sauce..

                   My 1st attempt at Homemade Pasta Sauce..

Look's so yummy and Taste just as good..

Paul half way through his meal..

Paul ate the whole lot lol..

I attempted my own handmade pasta sauce a few days ago because im not a big fan of the shop brought sauces so i did it and it didnt turn out to bad as you can see by the pics my hubby loved it that much he didnt leave one bit haha..

It only took me at most 15 mins to make and simmer so it doesnt take all day to make which is great and then just boil some pasta shells, then your done hehe..

The only thing i would say it needed was abit more salt and tomato paste and it would be perfect and more yummy..

So next time i make my homemade pasta sauce i will add more salt and tomato paste..

1 comment:

  1. I am sure it tastes Great. You are gonna make Paul fat you keep cooking
    like that.
