Monday, December 24, 2012

My new build a bear

My New Build A Bear...
German shepherd build a bear and a matching puppy..

The side of my German shepherd build a bear..

This is one of my newest build a bear's, Paul brought me while we were at the mall, Its a German Shepherd with a puppy..
As you have probably guessed from some of my post's I love Teddies, one thing I love even more well apart from my hubby is Build a bears, which is a store where you can make the bear yourself , push the peddle yourself and choose it's outfit..

If they weren't so expensive and the store was closer I would have so many more build a bear's it would probably drive my hubby crazy I think he's glad with live far away from the nearest build a bear store hehe...  

I started collecting Nail pollish

I've started collecting Nail polish..
Just a few of my nail polish..

So a few months ago I said I may start collecting Nail polishes because I had spent a fortune on shoe's I have yet to wear so I decided I would do just that..

Collecting nail polish is defiantly cheaper then collecting shoe's that's for sure..

These are just a few of the nail polishes I have collected, I think I have at least 50 or more nail polishes now, some bright, some glittery and some bold color's..

I will keep collecting nail polishes because it has saved me a lot of money from not collecting shoe's which my husband loves hehe..

This is such a cool remote

This is such a cool remote..
The remote from the side..

The remote face up..

This is such a cool remote I had to post it on my blog..

We got this remote with our new 3D Television and it does so much for such a small remote, you can change all the satellite channels, you can change from the TV to the dvd , it change's from 3D to normal TV, to the surround sound system and to the Xbox, it even change's the volume, this remote does everything..

We love this remote and defiantly the best extra we ever got with a new Television..

My Inhalers

My Inhalers..
My brown Inhaler..

My Brown and Red Inhaler..
I have been asthmatic since I was a little girl but over the year's my Asthma has gotten worse, I went from having 1 pump which I use if I have a asthma attack to needing 2, the brown one I have to have 4 puff's a day of and the red one I have to take when I have a asthma attack.. I have to carry my red inhaler with me every where I go..
I have a asthma pillow, I have to be careful in the heat especially when its humid out and I can only sleep with 1 pillow because else I'm to elevated which could bring on a attack..
I have some side affect's from the asthma too, I wheeze a lot especially at night when I'm falling asleep and my husband has woke up to me choking in my sleep which scares him to death, it also scare's me because I have no recollection of choking, these side effects started in the last few year's I just hope I don't get any more symptom's in the next few years..
I'm just happy for now these inhaler's seem to help and I haven't had a attack in a while..

I had to have a eye test..

                                         I had to have a eye test..

Me in my new glasses...

New glasses...

My new glasses don't look to bad...

I like the new me..

So I had to have my eyes tested and my eyes have got worse. Apparently my eye's dance that's how the optician said it but basically I have a stigma which mean's when the light hits my eye's they move and I can't see in the dark well either, I guess all the carrot's I ate as a child didn't help me see in the dark lol..

I had to get a new set of glasses too with special lenses' in that stop's the light hurting my eye's. I try not to drive at night in less a absolutely have too..

So with my new glasses my eye's don't hurt so much and now can watch television and play on my laptop without squinting constantly..


I havent been on in so long

I haven't been on in so long..
The last few month's have been so stressful and busy I haven't had a chance to update my blog at all, it feel's like all I have done for the past few month's is run around and not stop it also feel's like a haven't slept in month's and that's probably because most night I haven't slept..
Paul got ill and was hospitalized, he has been off work for about 2-3 month's so I have had to help him get better, I have also been having test and biopsy's done.
Then theirs Christmas so much planning and running around I will be glad once Christmas is over, I love Christmas and opening gift's but this year just seems to be full of bad news and days so I'm looking forward to the new year and hopefully a better year..
I'm hoping now that our lives have calmed down I can start updating my blog more frequently..
I will be updating my blog over the next few day's and I hope everyone enjoys my updates. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ouch i had my Wisdom teeth out:(

                                   Ouch i had my Wisdom teeth out:(

My diet for 8 day's

Yummy Yummy Ice cream...

So i went to the dentist because i had a lot of pain on the right side of my mouth i guessed i would just need a filling but it turnt out i needed 3 of my Wisdom teeth out scary came to mind..Before i could have them out i was put on strong pain killer's and antibiotic's due to having a infection caused by one of my wisdom teeth which took a week to clear up then the day i was dreading came and it was horrible i wasnt put to sleep i was just given injections which you normally get for filling's, it took about 40 minute's to get them out and i had to have stitches as well which caused even more pain so i was on pain killer's for 8 day's afterward's..
The 2 best thing's about getting them out was i was no longer in pain and for 8 day's i got to eat just soup and icecream hehe..

All i know is im very glad not to be in pain anymore..

I cant believe my little sister turnt 13

                           I cant believe my little sister turnt 13..

Kelsey age 5 in 2004

Kelsey age 5 2004

Kelsey age 6 2005

Kelsey age 6 2005

Kelsey age 7 2006

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 10 2009

Kelsey age 11 2010

kelsey age 12 2011

Kelsey on her birthday age 13 2012

I can't believe my little sister is now a teenager and she is also not so little any more, she is growing up so fast i hate not being their to watch her grow up but im Happy and grafeful for the time i got to see her grow..I love to get picture update's from my mum but it seem's every picture update i get she has grown even more..

When she was a baby i would take her park, put her to bed, do her hair, play with her and once she started school i loved to drop and pick her up from school everyday i also loved to attend school events such as sport's day and book fare's with her..

I use to spoil her rotten taking sweets and fruit juice to school at the end of the day..

It just feels like yesterday when i was pushing Kelsey around in a pram time just fly's by so fast it's scary..

Happy 13th birthday Kelsey, I hope you had a great day and you got spoilt rotten..

Miss and love you loads love Kayleigh and Paul..XxxX:)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My new piercing..

                                            My new piercing...

My Tragus piercing

So i went and got another piercing the other day, i got my Tragus pierced, which now bring me to 13 piercing's all together, don't worry their not in any weird place's hehe.

I have my top ear, belly button, tongue, nose, tragus and the rest is ear piercing's but i think this is my last piercing as i think i have enough holes lol..

It took less then 3 mins to pierce my Tragus and it was only sore for 3 days then it didnt hurt any more which is great, its abit weird though having a ball in my inner ear but im getting use to it now:)

I love my new toesie colour..

                                 I love my new toesie colour..

Pink and Blue toesie's

Love my painted toesie's..

I dont paint my toe's very often as normally it chips off to fast but i decided for once i would so i picked a bright pink and blue nail polish and i must admit it looks very cute and awesome when i wear flip flop's..

I may have to start painting my toesie's more often and i may also become obsessed with buying new nail polishes but that may not be a bad thing as i have been buying way to many shoe's lately that im yet to wear hehe..

Our newest edition Tiny:)

                                        Our newest edition Tiny:)

Getting use to her surronding's

Say hello to Tiny..

She doesnt like the flash..

She was very scared the day we brought home she hid her in a box..

Hiding in a box...

Tiny is our newest and smallest edition to our family, she is a year old and only weigh's 6lbs, we adopted her from the shelter, the day i brought her home she was very scared and spent most of her day in a box hiding, i shut her in a bedroom so she could get use to her surronding and so the other 3 fur babie's wouldnt scare her..

Everytime we would go near her she would hiss at us because she was so scared but after a few days she got very loving and would constantly jump on our laps and sleep their for hours, she is a very loving cat and very much a lap cat which we love..

So with our newest edition Tiny we have 4 fur babie's, 3 kitty's and 1 big doggy, so our house is filling up with fur babie's what can i say i love animal's:)

Samantha's such a big girl now:)

                                 Samantha's such a big girl now:)

OMG so cute..

She was so small as a puppy..

I can't believe she use to be this small..

She is such a cute sleeper..

Such a big girl now..

She grew so much:)

Samantha is 1 years old next month so i decided to post some pictures of Samantha as a puppy and Samantha now, when we brought her home she only weighed 8.6lbs but she now weighs 80lbs...

I cant believe how much she has changed in a year, she eats alot more, she weighs more, she is getting out of the puppy stage and she sleeps alot more which is great hehe..

Im defantly glad the puppy stage is out the way because when we were training her to go potty outside we got up every hour and a half during the night to take her out for month's, lack of sleep doesnt do goos for me haha, then theirs all the training and consistentsy, so im glad that stage is coming to a end..

I don't think we will get another puppy again, i think if we get another dog it will be a few years old and from the shelter because i don't think i can get through the puppy stage again, i love Samantha but its hard work

I cant wait to celebrate Sams 1st birthday, im going to spoil her rotten which is not unusual hehe:)

Samantha loves her Duvet:)

                                    Samantha loves her Duvet:)

Samantha has her own duvet cover..

Samantha love's to snuggle in a duvet..

Is that face adorable...

She fell asleep cuddling into the duvet and with her bandana on..

Such a sleepy girl..

She also sleeps with her toys alot which is so very cute:)

When i took the picture it woke her up, sorry Sam..

Morning sleepy head..

Samantha loves Duvet cover so i decided to get her, her own duvet and she loves it only problem if it isnt close enough to the settee she will get the duvet off the sette and lay on it which is so funny, she is also very cheeky haha..

What can i say she is to cute to not let her steal the duvet on the settee hehe..

She also love's to sleep with her toys alot, im not sure if its just comfy or she is just very protective of her toys and thinks someone is going to steal when she sleeps hehe..