Sunday, May 13, 2012

Samantha loves her Duvet:)

                                    Samantha loves her Duvet:)

Samantha has her own duvet cover..

Samantha love's to snuggle in a duvet..

Is that face adorable...

She fell asleep cuddling into the duvet and with her bandana on..

Such a sleepy girl..

She also sleeps with her toys alot which is so very cute:)

When i took the picture it woke her up, sorry Sam..

Morning sleepy head..

Samantha loves Duvet cover so i decided to get her, her own duvet and she loves it only problem if it isnt close enough to the settee she will get the duvet off the sette and lay on it which is so funny, she is also very cheeky haha..

What can i say she is to cute to not let her steal the duvet on the settee hehe..

She also love's to sleep with her toys alot, im not sure if its just comfy or she is just very protective of her toys and thinks someone is going to steal when she sleeps hehe..

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